Chapter Fifty Six

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"We're leaving. Now" Niall snaps, and grabs my hand and pulls my hand with him to his car. "Get in." His voice sharp
He gives me the death stare, and I stand at the door. "Morgan, I don't want to deal with this shit right now... get in the car" He growls. "No because all your going to do is yell at me when I didn't do anything wrong." My voice equally as harsh.

"Why do you have to be so damn difficult all the time?" He groans. "Why do you have to take everything in a negative way?" I snap. He rolls his eyes, "Maybe if you weren't difficult I wouldn't have to take things so hard and negative"

"You're the one that's ruining our night. I don't even want to stay with you at the hotel tonight." I groan. "Well that sucks because I'm not driving you all the way home" He snarls and leaves me in the parking lot alone.

I fall to the ground, and tears fall down my cheeks. I hate talking to him that way, but I know for sure he isn't in that wedding crying like me right now. He's probably already at the bar taking a shot or drinking... the usual.

I hear footsteps, and I freeze. Wiping my tears away quickly, and sitting up. Louis walks to the side of the car with a frown on his face. "You okay?"

I shake my head, no need to lie.

"We're you crying?" He asks. I nod, he wipes the extra smeared mascara away from my cheeks and below my eyes. "What happened? Niall walked in and imminently went in the bathroom. No words to any of us, walked right past us" Louis shakes his head.

I raise an eye brow at him, "He's in the bathroom?"

"Yeah he looked like he was about to hurl or even cry" He lets out a small chuckle. I can't help but do the same.

Maybe I should go in there and wait for him to come out of the bathroom if he ever does...

I need to apologize for what I said... I didn't mean that I didn't want to stay with him tonight.. I was just mad at him for being so rude to me.

"Louis.. I don't know what to do." I sigh, tears still flowing down my cheeks. "Give him some time. He will realize that he over reacted and should be back out here apologizing."

"But what if I'm the one that over reacted... everyone always brings it out on Niall. Saying he's the one that over reacted, but maybe I did. I mean all he did was ask me to get in the car and I refused." I shake my head.



I stand in the bathroom, and look in the mirror. My eyes are stained a bright red color, and I can't help the groan that escapes my lips. I look like trash now due to crying and crying in the bathroom like a baby.
I shouldn't have been so hard on her, but she didn't need to get my phone from the car. She didn't need to rush out there and get it.... she insisted her get it. She probably made it seem like she was going to get my phone so that she could make out with that ass.

I'm an asshole my self. Making assumptions when I know why she went out there, which was to get my phone. She went out so that she could get away... she started to get a headache due to the hundreds and hundreds of people partying... it gets hot in this place. I can't seem to keep myself together long enough to tell her everything will be alright... instead I blow up and say stupid shit I don't mean. But that's just how it is with me, can't seem to say the right thing. Ever.

I manage to make myself look some what like I did when I got to this wedding, and wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my tux. It's been a long ass day and I'm ready to go back to the hotel whenever Morgan is, after I apologize for my blow up.

I walk through the crowd of people, and nearly trip a few times. But I work my way outside, and Louis is talking to Morgan. In the same place where I left her. Guilt plays through my mind and my stomach flutters. I almost have to run back inside before I throw up. This guilt is over taking me and making me feel the truth of myself, which is being an ass to the people that care for me the most.

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