Chapter Fourty Seven

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I walk downstairs after taking a shower and I miss Morgan like hell. She's out with Perrie looking at wedding shit. I'm
glad Zayn doesn't take me out to do that,
because he knows I will not do anything but complain and whine like a damn 6 year old shopping for school clothes. I walk down the stairs, and Louis is on his phone. I pull my phone out and text Morgan.

* Missin you, just wanted to see how wedding whatever is going ! x *

A few minutes later my phone lights up and I pick it up,


* We are at the place where they will be getting married, looking around the area! It's really pretty! Miss you x *

* I miss you Morgan.*

She doesn't answer...

I don't know why I am so hurt by that, what was she supposed to say back? Same?

I need to calm down.. And not over react like half of the relationship population.

"I think I'm going to order some food want anything?" I ask the lads. "Maybe some Chinese food?" Harry suggests.

They all write down what they want on a small piece of paper, while I call the place up.

"How long?"

"They said about 10 minutes. I'm going to go on over" I say and they all nod. I grab my phone and wallet and walk out of the house and toward my car.
Morgan's aunt pulls in the driveway when I pull out and I groan. She waves at me and I simply raise my fingers off of the steering wheel. I bet she didn't see that small gesture but that's all she's going to ever receive from me so she is lucky.

Wow I am a dick. That's my girls aunt, and I'm talking shit about her and couldn't care less. Nice.

I pull up to the Chinese place, and walk in to grab my food. I remember when I saw Morgan here that first time. I ditched everything and went to hang out with her. Or when I caught he looking at me with a small frown and rolling her eyes the way she does when she doesn't get what she wants, or when I don't listen to her.
Especially when she said she would order her own food and I tricked her into telling me what she was ordering and I went behind her back and ordered it and payed for it myself.

It feels like a lifetime ago when that happened...

Wow time has flown by.

I pay for the food and drive back to the house and the lads and I enjoy a game of football on the big telly. Lovely.


Perrie and I run out of the small diner we ate at, and we are greeted by pouring down rain. My hair is already soaked, along with my clothes by the time I am in the car. I put the key in the ignition, and warm up by the heat vents.

I look like I just jumped out of the shower, and my make up is smeared all over my face...

I follow Perrie to the guys house, and we pull up in the driveway as close to the house as possible. Shortening our distance as much as possible from the house.

Pathetic right?

Perrie opens the door without knocking, and I'm freezing. I shiver, and Perrie sets her keys on the kitchen counter. "Hello!" She cheers. "Sup!" Everyone says except Niall. He jumps off of the couch, and pulls me in for a hug. I enjoy the warmth and the state of him being dry. "Are you cold?" He asks. I shiver, and he nods without me answering. He picks me up, and takes my up stairs. He sets me on his bed, and grabs a dry towel, wrapping it around me and walking out of the room without a single word.

He walks back in, and grabs a t shirt, and a pair of sweat pants from his dresser and hands them to me. "Niall you don't need to go all out" I laugh. "I don't want you to be cold, and in soaked clothes" He smiles. I roll my eyes, and stand up. He closes his dresser, and sits on the bed. I begin to take my shirt off, and he looks up from his hands and notices me. "Uh" His cheeks turn a dark red. "Don't look!" I squeal. "Oops!" He smiles. He covers his eyes, and I laugh when I catch him staring between his fingers while I change into 'his' clothes. "You're a pervert." I
throw my towel at him. He bursts into laughter, and the sound brings butterflies to my stomach. Making my heart explode like fireworks.

I pick up my damp clothes, and we walk down the stairs and I throw my clothes in the dryer.

Niall and I join the group on the couch in the living room as they watch their football match.
Niall holds my hand, with my head on his shoulder. Perrie looks over every once in a while with a smile across her face. She sits with her legs across Zayn's lap. Niall continually lays small sloppy kisses on my cheek during the match while he's watching his favorite thing ever..

"I love you" I whisper in his ear while he watches the game. "I love you.. more than you would ever think" He whispers back.

And I could never ask for a better night.

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