Chapter Fourty

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I wake up, to pitch black. I check my phone and it's 2:25 in the morning. No texts or calls from Morgan. That's weird.
I climb out of bed to go piss and grab a glass of water. After using the bathroom I walk down the stairs and lights are still on. Liam stands at the kitchen counter and finishes making a late snack I assume. "Niall." He shortly welcomes me. "Liam..." I say and walk past him. Quickly grabbing a glass from the cabinet . "You finally sober?" He snaps. "What?" I growl. "You were totally shit faced last night, and don't bother texting or calling Morgan. She's pissed at you, and you and her got in a huge fight last night when she was dropping you off from the damn bar you went too" He yells. Well I feel like shit, and that explains the bruises and my busted lip, and my huge headache.

"I don't remember shit"
"Well you should because you fucked up everything..." He growls and turns away from me. I want to attack him for being such a dick about it but I know he's right... "I'm going to try to talk to her" I say and start to walk away. "And how are you going to do that?"

"Go to her house...?"


I just pretty much destroyed my relationship with Morgan and I am just now starting to feel fazed by it. Last night I hardly remember anything... and Morgan is now pissed at me and I won't be surprised if she doesn't answer the door or her calls.

I just fucked everything up.


I pull onto her street and my nerves take over. I've never felt nervous like this picking her up... why now? Oh yeah because I'm afraid she'll ignore me forever... Fuck.

I pull into her driveway and take a deep breath before walking up to her front door. I knock, and I hear footsteps. They get closer to the door and my heart cheers up. Silence fills the room, and I sigh. "Morgan... I know your behind the door." I sigh. "I just came to apologies for everything that happened yesterday... I don't know what caused me to go that dumb bar, but I didn't expect myself to get trashed. I'm so sorry you had to deal with me when I was consuming that much alcohol. I hope you don't hate me..." I lean against her door like a child. Maybe I am a child but at this point I don't care... I just want my Morgan back. I hear shuffling, and the door handle moves and my eyes look down to red heels. I slowly look up and Morgan's aunt is standing at the door.

"Hmm? What were you saying?" She smiles.

Shit. Fuck. Damn.

I'm screwed.

"I.. Erm.." I stutter. "You thought I was Morgan so you could come
here and apologize and think that she would take you back right away?" She continues her grin.
And to be honest it's creepy as fuck.

"Where's Morgan?" I change the subject.

Because that's why I was here but I'm not going to admit that to the slut in front of me.

"She's not here."


"You know.. I don't approve of your cursing"

"Do you think I care of what you approve of?" I snarl.

"Well.. I definitely don't approve of you." She snaps.

Morgan's mom walks down the stairs and walks toward the door. "Niall? What are you doing here?" She asks.

I feel very uncomfortable being here without Morgan.

"Come in" Morgan's mom smiles. "Erm.. Okay" I nod and walk in. "Make yourself comfortable... Morgan should be home soon. She's out getting our dinner... would you like me to call and ask her to add another order?"

Why can't Morgan's aunt be nice like this?

I want to stay here just to piss Morgan's aunt off, and to see Morgan but I know how much more mad Morgan would be at me if I stayed while she wasn't wanting to talk to me at the moment.

"No.. I'm fine. Thanks for the invite" I politely answer.

Could this get any more awkward?

I spoke to damn soon.

I hear a car door, and my heart stops. A minute later I hear the door shuffling and Morgan walks through the door with two bags of food. She nearly drops the bags of
food when her eyes
meet mine.


"N- Niall what are you doing he-here?" She stutters, I know she's uncomfortable.

"I uhm... I came to talk to
you. But if this is a bad time, I can come back?" It comes out more as a question.

"I don't think that's a good idea" She sighs and walks out of
the room and walks back in bag free.

The tension, and awkwardness grows in the room. And I wish I didn't come here to make a fool out of myself.

"Morgan.. please can we talk?"

She finally gives in with a simple nod.

I sigh in relief and she follows me out front closing the door behind her. I take a deep breath and stand there quietly.


Why the hell is he here?

I don't want him here... after the way he treated me last night. I honestly want nothing to do with him right now and of course he shows up at my house the day after.

"Why are you here?" I snap.

"Morgan.. let me explain"

"No. I'm not listening to your damn excuses. I'm not giving in on your lies." I raise my voice.


"Niall... you can't seriously think you can treat me like shit, and speak so cruelly to me and expect me to not hold any grudges toward you." I roll
my eyes and fold
my arms against my chest.

"Morgan... that was the alcohol talking. I would never talk to you like that while sober... you should know that!" He raises his voice. I stay quiet.

"Niall... you should have heard the things you said to me.. You called me a stuck up bitch, and we're blaming everything on me" I sigh. "I know baby... I told you... if I was sober that would have never happened" He says with a frown. "Why did you drink in the first place?"

"I don't know.. I just didn't know what to do after I left your hotel. I needed to get rid of the heavy weight I was holding and didn't know I was holding"

He walks toward me, resting his hands on my cheek, I wince and slowly push his hands off of me. He frowns.

No Morgan.


"I need to get inside." I sigh, and pull away from the conversation.

"Morgan" He frowns.

"What?! I'm not going to sit here and fall for your lies!" I yell.

"You can't be holding these grudges.... You know I would never talk to you or treat you with that low of respect if I was sober. I'm sorry for everything that happened yesterday. I shouldn't have gone to that bar, I shouldn't have taken advantage of your respect for me."

"Just please... give me a chance to show you... Show you my respect for you.. Morgan" Niall lets out a comforting smile.


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