Chapter Seventeen

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I walk into my house after being dropped off by Niall.

I walk into the kitchen and notice a note on the kitchen table.

Dear Morgan,

I am at the doctors office.. and then I will be heading to work from the doctors office.. I hope you had fun at your friends house last night. I am very glad you have made plenty of friends sense we have moved here.. I am glad to see that! I have some frozen food you can cook up in the freezer.. or you can make what ever. I will be home around, 7:15. I hope you don't mind.. Call or text me if you need anything or have a problem with anything. Love you hun.


I smile as I finish reading the name on the note that I have recieved.

I open the freezer and grab a bag of frozen french fries.

I put them on a pan and wait for the oven to finish being pre heated.


I eat the french fries on a plate while sitting on the couch watching TV in the living room. My phone has gone off a few times and I don't bother to get up and check who they are from.

After eating the pan of french fries I decide to take a long warm shower to release all of the tiredness in my stiff mucled body.

I sit down in the shower and let the hot water slam down onto my bare back.
I swear I can feel the sizzle
of the heat from my cold body..


I change into a pair of pajama's and then make my way down stairs into the kitchen to make a cup of hot tea.
I sit on the couch and watch a few channels of TV shows.

My phone goes off, and I pick it up.
*Eleanor: Mind if I drive over and hang out for a little bit?*

*Me: nope, you can come over anytime! Just sitting here watching TV.*
*Sounds fun! (: I'll be over in 5 minutes.* She texts back a minute later.

*See you then!* I text back and then continue channel surfing. Fun.


"Thanks for letting me come over and hang out for a bit." Eleanor says as she hugs me when she walks in the door.
"No problem, I am glad you came over." I smile and she returns the emotion.

I wonder why she needed to come over. I don't want to hop into her business but I am slightly concerned.

"Is there a problem or anything?" The noisy person I am asks.

"Actually yeah.. my roommate and I got in a fight. I hope you don't mind if I'm here.. if your not okay with it I will leave." She says and seems convinced.

"No don't worry.. I don't mind. I understand just having roommate problem, it's normal." I say and let out a all chuckle.

Eleanor is a lovely girl

We seem to get along very well. And that always leads to a great friendship.

"Have you talked to Niall?" Eleanor asks as we sit on the couch.
"Yeah.. He dropped me off this morning." I say and sit criss-crossed on the couch.
"What do you mean dropped off? Did you spend the night at his house or something?" She asks and raises one of her eye brows at me.

"I guess that's what you could say." I chuckle and she throws a pillow at me.
"No flippin way!"
She shouts.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Morgan! Good Job girl!"
She laughs.

Well I wasn't expecting that.

I just laugh, and she shakes her head in amazement.


A knock sounds at the front door and Eleanor jumps off of the couch and walks toward the door. She opens it and she gasps.
I quickly turn around and notice Niall walking into the house.

"Hello Eleanor." He says and she smiles.
"Hello Niall." She adds.

He nods and then walks over to me. He sits down on the couch and Eleanor makes her way to the chair next to the large couch.

She acts like she is watching TV but I can tell she is ease dropping.

"Follow me baby." Niall whispers in my ear. I nod and we walk through the kitchen and out the back door.

"We have a huge problem." Niall sighs and puts his hands in his front pockets of his jeans.
"Yes?" I ask.

"Zayn is going to propose to Perrie." Niall sighs and looks from the ground back up to me.
He looks a slight bit confused.

"Wow." I say quite excited.

"Yeah.. He just told all of us guys at the house." Niall says and stands against the house.
"When is he going to propose?" I ask.

"Tonight." He states.

"Him and Harry are at the jewelry store right now getting that damn ring that Zayn privately ordered and customized just for his girl." Niall fake gags at the end.
"What is the matter with that?" I ask.
"The guys and I were joking around with him saying, Dude what if she says no." He laughs at his non funny joke.
"What did he say?" I ask.

"He said, Well Niall I would give the ring to you and you would propose to Morgan." He blushes.

I can't help but feel my cheeks begin to flame.

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