Chapter Sixty Eight

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      Niall finally gave up on arguing with me to let me drive us to the grocery store. My view was he didn't know where to go, and he insisted he did and if he needed help he had his phone for a gps..
   I somehow was able to encourage him..
     Niall turns on the radio, and turns the music up a bit to loud for my liking but I don't bother to complain.
He sings along, and plays the imaginary drums and taps his fingers on the door. I can't help but take a few glances at him to admire his care free state he's in.

    Niall bursts into laughter when I kick him out of the car to get a cart, and he groans and walks across the parking lot to get a cart. We walk together, while he pushes the shopping cart. Never did I ever think I would see Niall grocery shopping pushing a grocery cart around... but I assume that will be a new view for me since we will be moving in together and grocery shopping is a common state of visits while you live with someone on you're own.
    Niall puts a bag of gold fish, and Oreos in the cart, in the small collection of food we have collected. I add a bag of apples, and then get some dinners. Sending him on an errand to get milk, and water bottles. He comes back with what I ordered him to get, and brings a few Gatorades. "You are just like a child you know that?" I laugh at his food scavenger hunt. Niall looked at me, and stuck his tongue out at me.

    Niall insisted on driving home, and this time I didn't argue. "When we get home would you like to watch a movie with me?" He smirked. "What movie are you wanting to watch?"

   "I don't know yet. I was hoping you could maybe decide this time." He had both hands on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road. I turn the A.C. down, and he just turns it off. "It's a little cold in here.." He chuckles.


Niall had finished the rest of the popcorn, and has lay his head on my lap. Running my fingers through his hair, his breathing getting quieter and quieter each stroke I lay against his hair. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face when every once in a while he looks up at me, and then goes back to looking at the TV. The only light in the living room is the TV screen... giving me the opportunity to see when Niall sneaks a glance at me every few minutes.
My eyes becoming heavier as the time goes by, and I lay my head against the back of the couch. Niall looks up, and frowns. "Are you tired?"

"A little bit." I yawn, and look down at him. He lets out a small grin and laughs. "You don't have to stay up.." He smiles and sits up. I wince, and close my eyes. I open them again, and Niall is nowhere to be found. I look around the living room, and the kitchen light is on. A sigh falls from my lips, and the sound of Niall turning the faucet on and off in the kitchen suddenly fades when I slowly drift off to sleep.


I get out of the shower, and wrap a towel around my waist. I run my damp hands through my soaking wet hair. My hair has started to go brown. Some blonde is still visible on the top. The sides are turning brown.

I wipe my hand across the mirror, and my cheeks are flushed and my eyes are more blue than normal. I brush my teeth, and walk back into the bedroom. Morgan is still asleep, and I quietly walk around to get clothes to wear today. I grab a black t shirt, my black jeans that have rips at the knees. And my black nike shoes. Changing in the bathroom, and then running my hands through my hair once more.

I have decided to drive over to the hospital and visit Morgan's mom and take her out to lunch again. Give Christine a break for a few hours.

I poor myself a cup of coffee, and grab a pad of paper and write Morgan a note. I smile and put the pen back in the drawer.
I make my way out the door, quietly closing it behind me. Trying not to wake Morgan.

I run to the car, and quickly get in and start the ignition and speed out of the driveway and down the road. I should have woken Morgan up to come with me.. but she looked so tired and I have some things to discuss with Christine. And I didn't want Morgan to get upset about the news I have come known of.

The nurses at the front desk don't even bother to ask who I am visiting anymore, I wave at them and they write my name down in the visiting list.
I chuckled, when they didn't even wait for me to walk in the doors to write my name down... they saw my car and checked my name.

They should just have my name printed on the sign in sheets. I come and visit them more than Morgan does and it's her mum!

I knock on the door, and then walk in. Christine is on her phone, and Morgan's mum is asleep. "Niall?" Christine whispers.


"What are you doing here? Where's Morgan?" Christine locks her phone and sets it down on the table. "She's at the house still sleeping. And I came here to give you a few hours off... I thought about taking her out to lunch again. She should have off of the hospital food every once in a while." I smile. Christine chuckles, and nods. "Well thank you."

"Hey Christine. Can I ask you something?" I whisper.

She raises an eye brow at me, and she's wearing a pair of yoga pants, and a t-shirt. I have never seen her in anything other than dressy clothes. Her hair is up in a pony tail, and she has little make up on. Also, very used to seeing her with loads of make- up on. So this is a first for many things.

"Yes?" She speaks up when I didn't speak up.

"Have you been seeing someone?"
She takes a deep breath, and looks over at her sister, still asleep.

"I have been seeing someone. Yes. But... I have been hiding something from everyone. Even my sister." Christine sighs and looks at me and back to her sister.


"Niall... I... I am.. Engaged."

"Woah! What the hell!?"

I cup my mouth with my hands, and she freezes.

My heart just stopped, I haven't noticed a ring on her finger before though?

"Then why aren't you ever wearing the ring?" I whisper. "Because I didn't want to bring attention to myself.. this has been a busy few months with Morgan and her mom. I didn't want to add more attention by announcing to the family that I'm getting married."

"What else have you been hiding.. Are you pregnant too?" I let out a chuckle.

She glares at me, and then her eyes loosen up. "Actually.."

"Woah! Stop there! I didn't actually need to know!" I cover my ears and shake my head back and forth.

"No.. Niall. I am not pregnant. But I thought I was. Scared me to death.." She sighs and let's out a small sigh and then a smile flashes across her face.

"Why did that scare you to death?"

"Because Niall. I want to be married and move in with my fiancée first. Before I even worry about being pregnant and becoming a mother." She whispers.

"Wait. You want to move out?"

"Niall.. you didn't actually think I'm going to live in the house next to your friends forever.. Now that I don't have to worry about you trying to make a move on my niece because you just have nothing to do better with your life.. I can move on." She laughs, and I actually joined her.

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