Niall being rude to Paul

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(Paul knocks at the door)

Niall (yelling)coming! (Goes to the door opens it) oh hey Paul

Paul: hey Niall is Zayn or Louis here

Niall: yeah there here (turns his head and sees Zayn) hi Zayn

Zayn: (runs downstairs and rubs Niall's head) how's my baby doing?

Niall: I'm good Paul's here

Zayn: Ok thank you ( kisses Nialls forehead)

Niall: (Rudely)wait what is Paul doing here

Zayn:(stern voice) Niall

Niall: (nervous but sarcastically) I meant its so good to see you again Paul

Zayn: excuse us for one second (grabs Nialls arm roughly to the other side of the living room)

Zayn: Niall do u want to have a sore bottom tonite as well as sitting in a corner all night

Niall: no sir (looks at ground)

Zayn: then I suggest u go apologize to Paul

Niall:(whining)but Zayn

Zayn:Now! (Points towards Paul)

Niall: (mumbles to himself) jerk... (Feels a sharp smack on his bottom, face turns red about to cry) Oww (turns back around)

Zayn: (harshly) don't think I didn't hear you because I did (glares at Niall)

Niall: (all sad) I'm sorry Zayn (about to cry)

Zayn: Aww Its ok baby (hugs him)

Niall: (Crying his heart out trying to be quiet)

Zayn: Shh your alright everything's ok (Niall soaks his shirt) Look at me (lifts Niall's head up to look at him) I'm sorry for what happened but u know better do u understand

Niall: yeah I understand Zayn (trying to smile) I'm sorry

Zayn: now there's my Baby Nialler

Niall: (embarrassed) Zayn

Zayn: I love you (kisses his forehead and then hugs him)

Niall: (Whispers) I love you too Zayn (unhugs him)

Zayn: Ok go apologize to Paul than I want your bottom in my room on the chair in corner ok?

Niall: (whining) but Zayn...

Zayn: do want a bare spanking with the belt because I will do it

Niall:(crosses his arms, mumbles to himself) this is stupid....

Zayn: (gives him a death glare) that's it grabs his arm roughly upstairs

Niall: (whining)no zayn I will go apologize try's to break zayns hand off him

Zayn:(tightens his grip, turns him around and lands hard smacks to him bum)

Niall:(winches in pain trying so hard not to cry but tears started slipping down his cheek)

Zayn: (turns him back around and glares at Niall) Now I want your butt in my room (lets go of Nialls arm)

Niall :(walks toward downstairs to Zayn)

Zayn: (Harshly)what do u think your going grabs his arm

Niall:(stutters crying) I want a hug Zayn

Zayn: nope you lost your chance upstairs now (points upstairs)

Niall: (goes upstairs hiccuping)

Zayn: (follows behind him)

Niall: (walks in Zayn's room)

Zayn: (walks in closes the door and takes off his belt)

Niall: (scared to death) please Zayn I learned my lesson

Zayn: oh no mister get your butt over the bed

Niall: please Zayn

Zayn: (sternly) you have 5 seconds 5...

Niall: (crying) No Zayn


Niall:(stands there all scared)


Niall: (walks towards the bed and bends over)

Zayn: your getting 30 with my belt and I want you to go downstairs to apologize to Paul understand

Niall: (mumbles) yes sir

Zayn: good boy (walks towards him and starts laying down hard smacks than pulls down his trousers)

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Niall: Ahh! Zayn no more please

Zayn: you have 10 more

Niall: Zayn please

Zayn: hush Niall or I will add more

Niall: ok... (Crying so hard)

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Zayn: ok these are the last five count for me and don't lose track of I will start over

Niall: (nods his head)



Zayn: (glares at him)

Niall: (than remembers, and says one weakly)

Smack! Smack!

Niall: two.. Three


Niall: (breathing so hard) I can't... four

Zayn: last one babe (smacks his sit spot)

Niall: ahh!!!

Zayn: (pulls Niall up and pulls his trousers up)

Niall: (fresh tears fall down his face)

Zayn: (sits on the bed and pulls Niall on his lap)

Niall: (hugs him) I'm sorry Zayn soo sorry

Zayn: Shh.. I know baby it's ok (kisses Nialls head)

Zayn: pulls Niall off his lap ok let's go apologize to Paul

Niall: ok... (Walks downstairs after Zayn)

(Both head to Paul near the front door)

Zayn: hey sorry that about Niall has something to say

Niall:( stutters) I'm sorry Paul for being rude to you

Paul: aww it's ok Niall

Niall: (smiles weakly and walks in the kitchen)

Zayn: that boy

Paul: tell me about it

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