What Love Really Means (Larry Stylinson) Part 1

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Harry: (jumps on kitchen counter and sits on it)

Liam: (was in the middle of making sandwiches) Haz get off the counter I'm in the middle of making lunch

Harry: don't tell me what to do

Liam: excuse me? (Picks him up under his armpits and places him on the ground and than turns him around about to spank him, when Louis came downstairs)

Louis: hey what's going on

Liam: Harry's not listening to me so I'm spanking him

Louis: haha of course, why don't I handle him

Liam: oh ok...

Harry: jerk

Liam: really Haz you are in enough trouble already

Harry: (sticks his tongue out at him)

Liam: (about to spank him)

Louis: (stops him) Liam its fine, Haz your grounded cellphone hand it over

Harry: (hands Louis his cellphone)

Louis: good boy (stuffs it in his pocket and walks in his room)

Liam: I would of gone with the spanking

Harry: (mocks him) I would of gone with the spanking

Liam: (gives him a death glare)

Harry: (looks scared) I'm coming with you Louis (walks with Louis into his room)

(A week later Harry still had been having an attitude and Liam and Zayn were about to spank but Louis interrupts them by just grounding him for a day or two, so Liam told Louis next time Harry acts up spank him)

Harry: (kicked Zayn in the balls because Zayn told him no he can't have sugar it was getting late)

Zayn: ahh! Liam (was on the ground in pain)

Liam: what is it love

Zayn: Harry kicked me in the nuts

Liam: (glares at Harry) Louis!

Louis: yes (came running out of his room into the living room)

Liam: deal with Harry he's still being a brat

Louis: ok (grabs Harry's arm into his room) ok Haz you know what you did was wrong so over my knee you go

Harry: but I'm sorry

Louis: I know you are Harold (sits on the bed) ok come here

Harry: (walks to Louis and goes over his lap)

Louis: I'm giving 15 smacks ok

Harry: that's it?

Louis: yep (starts spanking him at 10 and gives him 5 fury hits) all done

Harry: oh ok... I'm sorry Boo

Louis: I know you are (hugs Harry) I love you Hazza

Harry: I love you too

Louis: no... I mean I really love you

Harry: wait.... What? (Looks at him shocked)

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