Getting soap in my eyes, Loubear to the rescue

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(All the members were downstairs watching a movie except for Harry he decided to go upstairs to take a shower)

Niall: (sitting on Liam's lap snuggled really close to him while smiling at him)

(Than all of the sudden there was a piercing scream)

Niall: (startles him and pushes himself up) was that Harry

Liam: shh it's ok baby cakes (pulls him closer to him)

Harry: (yells from upstairs) Lou I need you it burns

Louis: I'll go check on him brb (heads upstairs in the main bathroom, opens the door and walks in)

Harry: Louis are you there

Louis: yes I'm here love (opens the shower curtain and helps him get the shampoo out of his eyes) all better

Harry: thanks Boobear

Louis: no problem baby Hazza now let's get you out of the shower and dressed in something warm (grabs the towel and wraps it around his body and carries him into his room)

Harry: I'm cold (stuttering)

Louis: (grabs the onesie out of his top drawer and puts clean boxers on him) all clean and warm my baby Haz

Harry: (blushes) hehe

Louis: (grabs the brush off his side dresser)

Harry: (scared) no Lou I'm sorry I didn't do anything wrong

Louis:(looks at him confused) no baby I'm not going to spank you I'm going to brush your hair

Harry: oh (mumbles) I'm soo stupid

Louis: you are not stupid one more name calling and I will spank you

Harry: (sighs) I'm sorry Lou

Louis: Shh it's alright (brushes his hair gently)

Harry: Oww not so hard

Louis: I'm trying Haz but you have really big knots

Harry: (grunts in pain, as Louis continues)

Louis: (finished brushing his hair) all done HazBear

Harry: you guys have so many nicknames for me

Louis: (kisses hi cheek) lets go downstairs (carries him downstairs)

Hey guys

Liam: look who's all clean

(Louis & Harry both sit on the couch and enjoy the rest of the movie)

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