Hateful Stuff On Twitter

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(Harry was getting a lot of hate on twitter he got some saying your such a player, why don't you sex with every fan that will make you happy, next time you have sex with girls use a condom so when you have sex with the next girls they won't get pregnant jk your an ugly bastard, Harry was almost in tears how did people know he had sex with Chloe unless Chloe mentioned something great)

Louis: (walks in Harry's room) hey Haz do you want to...

Harry: (interrupts him) no! I don't want to hang out with you leave me alone

Louis: don't cock an attitude with me mister I can pull you over...

Harry: (interrupts him) your knee, I don't give a flip

Louis: (sits on the bed and pulls Harry pulling his boxers and pajama bottoms down and start landing hard smacks until he got to 45) now apologize

Harry: I'm sorry....

Louis: (lifts him up and hugs him than leaves)

Harry: (sits on the bed and wipes his tears off his cheeks, he grabbed Niall's old guitar that Niall gave him since he got a new one, he started playing since Niall was teaching him he started singing his solo "Don't Let Me Go.")

(Than Liam walks in and sits on the bed listening to Harry sing, Harry smiles slightly and continued after 4 minutes the song was over and Harry put the guitar down and cried into Liam's shirt)

Liam: aww baby it's ok

Harry: (looks up Liam) everyone thinks I'm a player and a bunch of other stuff it had it all over my twitter

Liam: I heard Louis went on your twitter to see what was the matter and went on your file and saw those rude things he even burst into tears

Harry: (gets off Liam's lap) what? Boobear (runs into the living room and sees Louis on the couch crying, he jumps on his lap) why are you crying?

Louis: (caught him) because baby I didn't realize how much hate you are getting

Harry: how did you know my password

Louis: idk I guessed

Harry: haha I hate you (punches him lightly)

Louis: no you don't you know you love me

Harry: whatever jerk face

Louis: (pulls him into a hug) by the way, I fixed your build a bear that's what I was going to say before you interrupted me

Harry: haha sorry...

Louis: (hands him his build a bear) here you go

Harry: thanks (grabs the toy and hugs it tightly and rests his head on Louis shoulder)

Louis: (holds him tightly, humming little things until Harry fell asleep snoring silently)

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