Sickness Please Go Away Part 2

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(The next day Harry was still sick Louis was up in the middle of the night taking care of him rubbing his back, dabbing the rag on his forehead, and etc)

Harry: Lou... I love you (finally falls asleep it was 7:30 in the morning)

Louis: I love you too (rubs his back)

Liam: (walks in Harry's room and pats Louis's back) just go to bed Lou you were up all night helping him

Louis: are you sure? I just wanna make sure my baby's ok

Liam: I know... I'll stay with him

Louis: ok... (Heads into his room to get some sleep)

Liam: (rubs his back than goes downstairs to make Harry some toast)

Niall: (runs over and jumps into Liam's arms)

Liam: (catches him) morning

Niall: can we play some Fifa please Li

Liam: I can't I'm taking care of Haz (puts Niall back on the ground)

Niall: oh maybe later (walks outside to jump on the trampoline)

Zayn: (comes downstairs) how's Haz doing

Liam: still sick, but Niall's upset

Zayn: how come?

Liam: (shrugs his shoulders) idk

Zayn: maybe he's jealous because Harry is getting all the attention

Liam: hmm I guess (goes upstairs to check on Harry and told me he needs to at least eat one bite, so he did)

(The rest of the day Niall was bothering Harry asking to play with him)

Niall: (walks into Harry's room he was sleeping but all he was looking for was his charger that he let Harry bother a couple days ago, he turned the light on and was digging through his drawer)

Harry: (wakes up and growls) what are you doing!!?

Niall: looking for my charger that I let you borrow three days ago

Harry: can't you borrow Liam's charger instead

Niall: No!

Harry: fine than (wraps a blanket around his shoulder carries his build a bear and walks down the stairs gently, he made it to the living room tried to lay down on the couch and he shot back up puking in the sink)

Louis: (was behind him rubbing circles on his back trying to calm the sick lad down) Hazza weren't you supposed to be in bed

Harry: (stops puking and looks at Louis) I was but Niall woke me up looking for his stupid charger

Zayn: (walks inside) Haz aren't you suppose to be in bed

Louis: can you deal with Niall he was upstairs messing with Harry , while I give my baby a bath

Zayn: umm sure (heads into Harry's room and sees Niall digging through Harry's closet) Niall!

Niall: ahh! Oh hi Zayn have you seen my charger

Zayn: (takes off his belt and closes the door) didn't we say not to bother Harry

Niall: yes but...

Zayn: (interrupts him) I don't want to hear it, over the bed

Niall: (leans over the bed)

Zayn: (pulls his pants down) I'm giving you 30 and if you apologize to Harry and use Liam's charger instead I won't pull down your boxers understand

Niall: (sniffles and nods his head)

Zayn: (good boy, rubs his back snaps his belt in half and pulls back and lands unexpected spanks after a while it was a lecture) if you disturb Harry again I will use a paddle next to your bare bum do you understand

Niall: yes I understand... Please no more I'm sorry

Zayn: (gave him the last two smacks and puts his belt back on) no more Ni understand

Niall: (nods his head)

Zayn: (feels guilty) come here (pulls him on his lap and wipes the rest of Niall's off his face) so why were you acting this way hmm?

Niall: I guess I was jealous and my phone died

Zayn: (hugs him from the side) aww baby if you were jealous you should of said something and please ask Liam for his charger ok

Niall: ok (hops off Zayn's lap) well better go apologize to Harry

Zayn: (holds his waist) not now baby just wait till tomorrow when he feels better alright

Niall: ok (sits back on Zayn's lap)

Zayn: you know what

Niall: what

Zayn: we still have to go see Grown Up 2 together

Niall: I know it's a funny movie I wanna see so badly

Zayn: maybe we can go see it at midnight

Niall: and go to Nando's as well

Zayn: (sighs) idk

Niall: please

Zayn: oh alright

Niall: yay! (Hugs Zayn)

Zayn: (hugs him back)

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