I Said No

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Liam: Zayn!!! Get up here

Zayn: ugg coming (runs upstairs into Liam's room) what?

Liam: ok i found these on your dresser (throws the pack of cigarettes at him)

Zayn: (catches them) I know I just been under a lot of stress and I smoked a year ago and I got in the habit again

Liam: (holds onto his arms) please don't smoke anymore not just for me or you or even the fans for Harry and Niall ok.

Zayn: ok but what else am I suppose to besides smoke

Liam: umm bite your nails,

Zayn: bite my nails?

Liam: that's what Louis does when he's under a lot of stress

Zayn: I don't know Li

Liam: (grabs his arm again) please anything but smoke

Zayn: (smiles slightly) ok I will think of something else to do

Liam: ok (Both boys walk out of the room)

Zayn: (sits on the couch while Harry runs downstairs and plops right on Zayn's lap hard) ouch Haz

Harry: sorry guess what

Zayn: what?

Harry: you have to guess first

Zayn: I give up what

Harry: ok you know Kyle right

Zayn: you mean the one you hate or really dislike

Harry: yes you see he's having a party and there's going to be food, games, and hot babes

Zayn: haha your not going

Harry: ugg why not, please (gives him

the puppy dog face)

Zayn: because I said so

Harry: ugg whatever (gets off Zayn's lap and storm upstairs)

Zayn: great....

Liam: you did the right thing besides the party is drinking and a bunch other stuff

Niall: we know what you mean Li you can say sex (comes out of nowhere)

Zayn: where did you come from?

Niall: upstairs (walks in the kitchen)

Zayn: oh ok...

(After dinner which was a late one it was 10:30 and Harry wanted to go soo badly to the party, so he decided to sneak out he said goodnite to all the other lads and he wanted Niall to sleep with him)

Harry: (whispers) hey Niall wanna do something fun

Niall: will it involve having sore bottoms

Harry: if we get caught but don't worry we won't

Niall: ok

Harry: we're going to Kyle's party which is 10 minutes walking from here

Niall: umm lets go

Harry: ok (both sneak out the window)

(At the party Harry was grinding a bunch of hot babes while Niall was playing spin the bottle)

(Harry checked his phone and it was 3 in the morning)

Harry: (walks to Niall grabs his shirt collar)

Niall: hey I was in a middle of kissing a hot blond chick

Harry: we need to go (grabs his hand and both head out)

(Both climbed back into the window since it wasn't that high)

Harry: see Ni I told you we wouldn't get caug....ht (sees Zayn with his arms cross)

Zayn: tell me more how you wouldn't get caught

Niall: (whispers to Harry) we are defiantly going to have sore bottoms

Zayn: Niall go wake up Liam and tell him to go give you a nice hard spanking

Niall: but he's sleeping

Zayn: go! (Points to the door)

Niall: (scurries out of the room)

Harry: Z...

Zayn: (holds up his hand) I don't want to hear it Harold I told you not to go and you specially disobeyed me

Harry: I'm sorry

Zayn: it's fine but I'm afraid I'm going to have to spank you, bend over the bed

Harry: (bends over the bed)

Zayn: (takes off his belt pulls Harry's boxers and pants down) your getting 50 licks if you complain I will add more understand mister

Harry: ok... (Zayn pulls him over his knees)

Zayn: (started spanking his rear end hard he got to 40 and Harry was begging for mercy) Haz what did I tell you

Harry: not to complain

Zayn: that's right

Harry: please don't start over I have 4 more

Zayn: (sighs) ok, but be prepared these last 3 will hurt for a long time

Harry: (bites hard on his pillow to make sure he didn't beg or complain)

Zayn: (did two on his sit spots and the last one on his thigh and than pulls him up and plasters him with kisses) I love you soo much

Harry: no you don't (holds onto Zayn's shirt for dear life) I keep making mistakes and now you hate me

Zayn: Haz how could we ever hate you your cheeky, charming, and your super friendly

Harry: (lays his head near Zayn's shoulder) I know I'm sorry

Zayn: it's ok love (rubs his curls) just next time we tell you no please accept it ok?

Harry: ok (wipes his tears and tired eyes with the back of his hand)

Zayn: I think someone needs some sleep (places him in the bed tucks him in and kisses his forehead) night my little Hazza

Harry: no! Don't leave me (grabs his arm)

Zayn: baby I...

Harry: please sleep with me (had tears about to fall out of his eyes)

Zayn: ok I'll sleep with you (climbs in the bed next to Harry and puts an arm around him) great now I have to pee

Harry: (bursts out laughing) go pee

Zayn: nah ill hold it

Harry: haha ok don't pee on my bed though

Zayn: I won't goodnite

Harry: goodnite Zaynie

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