Braces Again

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Niall: (looked in the mirror at his teeth and noticed they were crooked again, he slowly walks downstairs and Louis serves him a bowl of cereal)

Louis: your alright Ni (notice the long face)

Niall: hmm

Louis: Niall please open your mouth and say yes

Niall: uh uh (keeps his mouth close)

Louis: Niall please (places his hand on his leg)

Niall: (shakes his head no)

So Louis walks over and opens his mouth and noticed his crooked teeth

Louis: Niall why were you hiding your teeth, I know you will have to get braces again

Niall: but I hate them they kill me and I was so excited to have them off

Louis: I know baby (hugs him) but hiding things like this is wrong

Niall: (whimpers) am I getting spanking

Louis: no baby but your getting braces and that's final (unhugs him and calls the dentist and than hangs up) they will have you tomorrow at 9:00 a.m so be up by 8:15 ok love

Niall: (sighs) ok

The next day Niall slept in until 8:50

Zayn: (walks in) wake up!

Niall: ahh!

Zayn: I thought Lou told you to set your alarm on your phone

Niall: I forgot I'm sorry

Zayn: it's ok just get dress we need to leave now

Niall: (gets dressed fastly and runs down the stairs)

Zayn: let's go (grabs his arm and runs out the door) bye guys

Everybody else: bye

(The car ride was terrible Niall was upset)

Niall: can I get a retainer instead

Zayn: (was gripping the steering wheel) Niall, Louis went over this with you your getting braces and that's final one more time you ask and I will spank with you. Understand mister

Niall: yes

Zayn: yes what?

Niall: (mumbles) yes sir

Zayn: good lad

(When they got there Niall was throwing an attitude the whole time, Zayn pulled his ear and whispered harshly) you will be spanked when we get home

Niall: (gulped) I'm sorry

Zayn: I know you are let's go inside

(When they got home Niall's teeth were killing him he chewed through everything)

Liam: (saw the couch and there were bite marks and it was torn up) of course

(Five minutes later Harry came downstairs almost in tears)

Harry: Liam!

Liam: what is it baby?

Harry: Niall chewed my toy dog that I got form you and Louis from Australia. What is wrong with him why is he chewing everything

Liam: because his teeth are killing him but he needs to be dealt with by the way I know about the money thing with Zayn

Harry: but how do you know....

Liam: Haz I may be the middle but I'm also the dad and I know everything

Harry: please don't tell Lou he will...

Liam: (interrupts him) I know what he would do to you relax I'm not telling him

Louis: (walks out of his room holding up his new ruined flip flops into the living room) this boy needs to learn to control himself he's acting like a dog

Niall: (walks downstairs) ahh! My teeth hurt (holds his mouth and walks in the living room as well)

Louis: well we feel pity for you Ni but doesn't mean you chew other people's things

Niall: I'm sorry...

Liam: what's wrong with your mouth they don't hurt just from getting braces

Niall: oh I had surgery and it hurts like... Ahh! Must chew on something

Louis: (drags him to the store) we will be right back

(At the store Louis picks up 4 or 5 pacifiers)

Louis: (came home with a crying Niall he opens one of the package) open up!

Niall: please Lou I won't chew on anything more I'm sorry

Louis: (felt a little guilty) I know Ni but you need to learn your lesson and I'm sorry your teeth are killing you but please follow my rules and take this

Niall: (opens up his mouth to accept the paciy)

Louis: good boy (hugs him in an hour I will give you that medicine for your teeth, if I see you chew on anything else I'm going to spank you. Understand?

Niall: (nods his head)

Louis: good boy (ruffles his hair than heads into his room) and don't take that out until I give you the medicine

Niall: (nods his head again)

Louis: (kisses Niall's head) behave

Niall: (walks to the couch and sees Liam)

Liam: hey baby. How are you feeling?

Niall: (smiles slightly and sits on his lap watching TV with)

(About an hour later Louis put medicine on his teeth and he felt a lot better Louis kept an eye on him because every so often his teeth killed him)

Louis: (sticks another pacifier in his mouth for him to chew on than after awhile he took it out)

(Overall Niall hates being the baby but sometimes he enjoys it)

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