What's wrong with Harry & Niall?

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Liam: (Sitting on the couch in the living room) Niall can you do the dishes for me

Niall: (comes in the hallway) do it yourself I'm not a girl

Liam: (daddy tone) excuse me what did you say

Niall: (scares and gave up) ill go do it

Liam: you better or you'll have a very sore bottom and have a hard time sitting down for dinner

Niall: (mumbles) whatever (and heads to the dishwasher cleaning the dishes)

Liam: (about to stand up)

Louis: (comes out of the garage and hears it, smacks his butt hard)

Niall: (yelps in the pain and jumps up and down) oww

 Louis: enough of the attitude now go and apologize to Liam or I will tell Zayn and he will pull you over his knee

Niall: (sighs) I'm sorry Li

Liam: it's all good Ni

Niall: (starts bursting into tears)

Louis: aww baby cakes come hear

Niall: (walks towards Louis both hug and starts crying really hard)

Louis: shh your alright please go finish your chore and I will give you some chocolate cake ok

Niall: (nods his head heads toward the dishwasher and finishes his duty)

Louis: (comes up to him and kisses his cheek) I love you Nialler

Niall: you too

(A Couple minutes later he finishes the dishes had cake and than ran upstairs waiting for dinner)

Zayn: boys can you come down here!

Harry & Niall: coming! (Both ran downstairs)

Harry: do you need something

Zayn: yes I do Haz (rubs his curls)

Harry: hehe

Niall: (mumbles and kinda of glares) weirdos

Zayn: excuse me mister do you have anything to say (crosses his arms)

Niall:nope (about to walk in the kitchen)

Zayn: Haz can you get the drinks for me

Harry: sure Z (gets the drinks ready)

Niall: (follows Harry)

Zayn: (grabs his arm roughly) not so fast mister where do you think your going

Niall: I'm going to help Harry

Zayn: no your not (grabs his ear roughly instead) your coming with me

 Zayn: (drags him in the guest bedroom) sit! (pushes him down on the bed) your attitude young man is unacceptable either clean it up or you won't be able to sit down for a very long time understand

Niall: (sighs) yes

Zayn: (slaps his leg hard) yes what

Niall: oww (closes his eyes and flinches) yes sir... Zayn that hurt

Zayn: im sorry but i can't stand your actions ok. Come here babe (picks him up off the bed and hugs him tightly) please behave I really don't want to spank you today ok

Niall: (curls in Zayn's shirt more) I know... But I'm not perfect

Zayn: (chuckles) dong start with me boy

Niall: so...

Zayn: go help Harry with setting the table

Niall:(sarcastic) do it yourself?

Zayn: excuse me?

Niall: I mean I will get right to it sir (runs in the kitchen)

Zayn: that's what I thought you said

(Niall and Harry finished setting the table)

Zayn: good job kiddos (whispers to Niall) remember what I said

Niall: (nods his head)

Louis: let's eat guys

(All sit down and starts talking enjoying there company)

Niall: (was happy at one moment than starts bursting in tears)

Harry: wow someone's on his period

Louis: (glares at him) Harold that wasn't nice apogolize

Harry: who said I was nice and no! (gets up and goes up in his room)

Louis: really?

Niall:( mumbles) I hate my life

Louis: what did you say?

Niall: I said I hate my life

Louis: wow baby don't say that it's ok

Niall: whatever... (Runs upstairs as well)

Liam: what just happened?

Louis: I'll go see what's wrong with my baby Hazza

Zayn: and I will...

Liam: (interrupts him) no ill go check on Ni

Zayn: why?

Liam: Zayn you will go way to hard on him maybe he just had a bad day

Zayn: but that is no reason to treat us like that

Liam: I know lets go Lou

(Both head upstairs)

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