I Know I'm A Fat Pig Part 2

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Harry: (in Louis's room, scared to death sitting on the bed)

Louis: (walks in) alright you know the routine so over my lap you go

Harry: (gives him the cutest puppy dog face)

Louis: as cute as you look your still going to get punished (sits on bed)

Harry: I'm sorry

Louis: I know baby I know (pulls him over his lap starts landing hard slaps on his bottom but not to hard)

Harry: (thought it was going to be harder, sighs because Louis pulls down his sweats and boxers)

Louis: (than grabs a container of maxi burn, and rubs his bottom)

( I made this up by the way)

Harry: (yelps in pain) Ahh Lou that stuff it burns what is

Louis: it's Maxi Burn and what you said to Niall was so wrong I hope your happy (pulls him off his lap and pulls his boxers and pants up) your also grounded for a week cell phone hand it over

Harry:( looks sad buts hands him his phone)

Louis:(stuffs it his pocket)

Harry: I'm sorr... (Before he could finish Louis walks out) (what no hug what a life he thought)

(A couple hours later it was 11:30 p.m)

Niall: (came running downstairs in tears) I can't find Harry he's not in his room ( running to Louis on the couch)

Louis: (gets up) what? No!

Liam: what happened babe

Louis: Harry's not in his room

Niall: I also found this on his bed (hands Liam the note)

The note said Dear fellow members if your just getting this now I ran away I know you guys hate me for everything I did I'm sorry I destroyed a perfect family relationship I know you guys hate but I love you even when I've been a douce bag don't bother come looking for me I'm not worth it.

Sincerely, Harry Styles

Liam: (crying) our baby he's gone

Louis: Shh no he's not we are going to go look for him.

Niall: what if we don't find him I'm going to miss our younger brother

Louis: don't say that Ni we will find him

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