Bored IceCream Will Help

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Liam: (was watching a movie by himself Harry went out with Louis Zayn went out to a party with Perrie he was sitting there all bored)

Niall: (sees Liam and runs on his lap) hey

Liam: hey little booger. How are you?

Niall: I'm good where is everyone else

Liam: Louis and Harry went out to pick up Harry's new phone and Zayn went out with Perrie

Niall: well this little man deserves Dairy Queen (pointing to himself)

Liam: aren't you hyper enough

Niall: please (gives him the puppy dog face)

Liam: you do realize that only works on Louis

Niall: please please

Liam: fine if you give me a kiss on the cheek we can go

Niall: but you know I hate kissing you guys on the cheek especially Zayn

Liam: haha just one kiss

Niall: oh alright (kisses his cheek)

Liam: ok let's go let me get my shoes (grabs his shoes and than carries Niall like a baby out to get ice cream)

Niall: ugg do and Zayn always have to carry me like a baby

Liam: but you are my baby Nando's and besides you and Harry are the youngest who else and I'm going to baby besides Louis

Niall: wait you baby Louis

Liam: I never said that

Niall: but you just said...

Liam: hey let's go get ice cream (runs out the door with Niall in his arms)

Niall: your soo weird

Liam: (kisses his cheek) I know I am

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