Fighting is Unnecessary

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(Harry and Niall were in Harry's room fighting over the Xbox controller to play Fifa. Harry just finished his turn and now it was Niall's turn)

Niall: It's my turn

Harry: No way baby

Niall: I'm not a baby and you need to share

Harry: well I'm in the middle of a game so you have to wait

Niall: well it was my turn anyways and you should not have started a new turn

Harry: oh shut it

Niall: (got mad and unplugged the game system)

Harry: what the hell Niall (throws the game controller on the bed and throws Niall on the ground)

Niall: get off me

Harry: (starts punching Niall in the face and punched him in the eye)

Niall: Oww Harry ( gets beyond furious and turns Harry over and punches him in the stomach and nose)

Harry: (turns Niall over and twisted his arm back) You piece of.... Ahh! (he didn't realize that Zayn was standing there the whole time and he had the back of Harry's shirt and Niall's arm)

Zayn: (was now glaring at the two younger lads) What the hell has gotten into you two? Huh?

Harry:(nervous) Zayn... How's it going buddy?

Zayn: (gives Harry the death glare) You better speak Harold and tell me what happened or you won't have a bottom in a minute

Harry: (stutters) but... But... I like my bottom

Zayn: (yells) Talk!

Harry: (really scared now) we were playing a rough game of Fifa

Zayn: (glares at him for a couple seconds, than turns to Niall) Anything you like to add Niall James

Niall: (looks at Zayn and than decides to look at the ground)

Zayn: look at me when I'm talking to you Niall

Niall: (was almost in tears) we were wrestling over who should play next (couldn't control himself and pees his pants)

Zayn: (places both boys on the ground) since you two decided to fight over this instead of getting me, Louis, or even Liam like mature boys I'm afraid I'm going to spank you both

Niall: But.. but.. i'm sorry

Harry: Can't Louis deal with us instead

Zayn: sorry lads but I'm dealing with you and that's final (grabs both of there arms into his room) Well I'm going to warm you up with my hand and than I'm going to give you 50 with the paddle

Harry: (was scared he released himself from Zayn's grip and darted  downstairs and ran outside)

Zayn: Harold Edward Styles! You get back here now!

Niall: (looks at Zayn all innocent)

Zayn: (smiles slighty) come on baby let's go get some icecream (drags Niall in the kitchen and serves him Mint Chocolate Chip)

Niall: (mumbles) Thanks

Zayn: (nods his head) Hey Loius!

Louis: (comes out of his room) yes

Zayn: Can you spank Niall for me just give him 35 with the belt bare while I go find Harry

Louis: sure thing

(After Niall was finished his icecream Louis drags him in his room)

Zayn: (runs until he found a forest behind their house) That boy

Harry: (was running in the forest he slowed down because he ran out breath. Man what was I thinking Zayn will make sure he didn't have a bottom or kill him, he was in a thinking process, when he heard Zayn's heavy breathing)

Zayn: (Just glares at him)

Harry:(trembles) Uh... Zayn.. I.. Um

Zayn: (didn't care he grabbed Harry's shirt collar and raises him high in the air)

Harry: (looks up at how high how he was it felt like he could almost touch the sky) Zayn please... I'm afraid of heights (almost pees himself)

Zayn: (still glares at him and talks coldy to him) You Harold won't sit down for a long time (places him roughly on a tree stump)

Harry: Ahh!

Zayn: you stay put!

Harry: (to scrared to move)

Zayn: (goes a few steps and finds a switch)

Harry( begs) Zayn please not a switch

Zayn: enough Harold, now stand up

Harry: please anything but that

Zayn: (grabs him up roughly and starts spanking him)

Harry: Ahh! (falls to his knees)

Zayn: Get up!

Harry: (in tears stuttering) No... No... please

Zayn: (pulls him up) You fall on your knees one more time than you will have a bedtime spanking for the next week and also be placed in a nappy as well you understand mister

Harry: (nods)

Zayn: good boy (starts again)

Harry: (through gritted teeth) that hurts... owww

Zayn: (spanks him five more times and than throws the switch on the ground)

Harry: Oww it hurts (starts bursting into tears rubbing his soar bottom)

Zayn: Come on Haz let's go home and finish this

Harry: (starts breathing heavenly) Zayn... my.. butt is on... (gasps for air) fire!

Zayn: I know babe (picks him up takes him home and bring him into his room) ok now your getting 25 from my hand (places him on the ground and sits on his bed) come here Haz and pull down your trousers please

Harry: no... no... please (gives him the puppy dog face)

Zayn: as cute as you look it only works on Louis (more sternly) Now come here

Harry: (pulls down his pants and walks slowly towards Zayn)

Zayn:(pulls down his boxers and places him genlty over his lap and starts landing hard spanks on his bottom)

Harry: Oww It hurts Z

Zayn: I know you  have 10 more (After ten he stopped)

Harry: Can I see Loubear please

Zayn: Ok (kisses his cheek and goes to get Louis)

Louis:(come sin the room two minutes) my poor baby are you ok

Harry: I'm fine Lou, I'm fine

Louis: (hugs him tightly) do you want to go get icecream

Harry: yeah but Louis

Louis: (unhugs him) yes love

Harry: can you put cream on my butt

Louis: (sure grabs the cream off Zayn's dresser and rubs it on his sore bottom) Zayn sure made you not sit down for awile your bottom is bruised

Harry: I know I deserved it..

Louis: (pulls his boxers up gently) come on let's go get icecream

Harry: wiil you carry me?

Louis: (nods his head and picks him up) You know If I spanked you I wouldn't try to kill you

Harry; that's what I tried telling Zayn but he wouldn't listen to me

Louis: (kisses his cheek)

(And both go to the kitchen to get icecream)

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