Attitude I Don't Think So

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(Niall has been at all day he cussed at Louis made fun of Zayn's cooking skills and just been throwing attitudes all day)

Harry:(was walking in Niall's room to tell him lunch is ready) hey Niall lunch isready

Niall: idk get out my room you idiot!

Harry: (ran off crying into Louis's arm)

Louis: what happened babe hmm?

Harry: Niall called me an idiot

Louis: Shh it's ok (rocking him back and forth on the couch)

Liam: I'll go deal with him he might not be able sit down for week but he was so disrespectful (walks in Niall's room) Niall what the heck is wrong with you! (closes the door)

Niall: leave me alone Liam

Liam: you know what that's it (grabs him off the chair)

Niall: Liam stop it

Liam: pushes him over the bed and starts laying down hard slaps

Niall: Oww Liam (tears spill down his face)

Liam: (shakes his head and pulls down his sweatpants) and starts spanking him on his backside and sit spots

Niall: Oww Liam please

Liam: are you going to behave of do you want me to pull down these next (has his hand on his elastic part of boxers)

Niall: (stutters) no ill behave I promise

Liam: ok you have 10 more if you speak or complain one more time I will give you 30 more and you will lose your boxers as well do you understand

Niall: yes sir (crying fully)

Liam: good boy (starts laying hards smacks on bottom)

Niall:( grunts in pain)

Liam:5 more baby than I want you to go downstairs and apologize to everyone

Niall: ok yes sir...

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Niall: ( still crying)

Liam: Shh your alright love (rubs circles on his back than turns him around and pulls up his pants)

Niall:Oww Liam it stings pull them down it hurts!!! (crying his eyes out)

Liam: ok baby (pulls his pants back down and pulls him in a hug and rubs his back)

Niall: (stuttering) I'm sorry

Liam: I know you are (unhugs him) let's go apologize to the rest of the boys than you can get some rest ok

Niall:(nods his head)

(Niall follows Liam downstairs)

(All of them sitting on the couch)

Niall: I'm sorry guys for being a jerk and throwing an attitude with you guys

Zayn: Aww baby it's ok we all have bad days just remember to keep moving forward and have a smile on your face because we all love you

Niall: (smiles weakly) I love you too (sits on Zayn's lap and starts crying)

Zayn: why are u crying? Hmm there's nothing to cry over

Niall:( looks up at Zayn his eyes all red and puffy) I know I love you guys soo much

Louis: aww Niall we love you too Harry does too even though he's sleeping

Niall:(nods his head and places his head on Zayn's shoulder)

Zayn: (kisses his forehead)

Liam: I think someone needs a nap

Zayn: I got it Liam thanks

Liam: oh ok ( sits on the couch)

Zayn: (carries Niall in his room and tucks him in bed) night baby (kisses him in the forehead one last time turns off the light and goes in the living room)

Liam: what a day?

Louis: I agree

Zayn: (sits on the couch) I love you guys

Liam: love you too

Louis: (nods) I love you too Zayn

Zayn: (smiles)

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