Cussing and Bratty Behavior

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(Niall woke up his stomach growling loudly, so he decided to get some breakfast, Niall was pouring a bowl of frosted flakes and poured to much he went to move it and it spilled everywhere

Niall: ah shit!

Louis: (was behind him and cleared his throat) excuse me young man what did you say

Niall: none of your freaking business (meaning the f word but I hate that word)

Louis: oh that's it (turns him around and started landing hard smacks on his bottom)

Niall: (grunting and squirming) stop it! I command you to stop

Louis: than (digs in the drawer and grabs a wooden spoon out of it he drawer and starts spanking him with it)

Niall: ahh! Stop it!

Zayn: (than walks down the stairs into the kitchen) hey guys what's going on

Louis: Niall is being a brat

Niall: (turns back around and stomps his foot) no I'm not!

Zayn: (was shocked) Niall what the hell has gotten into you

Niall: nothing! Louis is being a dick

Louis: (turns his back around pulls his pants and boxers down and spanks him 20 more times than pulls them back up) now get your butt upstairs

Niall: (was crying uncontrollably and walks towards Zayn)

Louis: (grabs his arm) what did I tell you

Niall: to go upstairs, but I want... Zayn

Louis: Idc if you want to meet Micheal Buble next year now go upstairs in your room

Niall: (goes upstairs crying)

Zayn: Lou.... What did Niall do?

Louis: he had an attitude and cussed at me

Zayn: oh ok well I'm going to go check on him, (head upstairs) need to get his cereal (fixes him a new bowl) be back

Louis: (nods)

Zayn: (heads up in Niall's room)

Harry: (was in Niall's room trying to calm him down)

Zayn: (sees Niall near his desk crying with his head down)

Harry: (sees Zayn and runs to him) is he alright

Zayn: he's fine he just needs to calm down. Thanks Hazza why don't you go wake up Liam

Harry: ok ( smiles and runs into Liam's room)

Zayn: you cheeky little boy (he walks to Niall and rubs circles onto his back) shh just calm down its alright

Niall: (looks at Zayn) I'm sorry...

Zayn: (gives him a half smile) it's alright Ni (places the bowl near his desk and picks him up and sits on the bed) come here

Niall: (was crying in Zayn's shoulder)

Zayn: shh your alright (rubs his shoulder)

(Than Niall started hiccuping)

Zayn: breath Niall just breath Nialler

Niall: I can't... (Starts hiccuping again)

Zayn: yes you can here let me help you (starts breathing to help Niall)

Niall: (starts breathing normal)

Zayn: good boy (rubs his back and than he sat Niall on the bed to get his cereal) here you go buddy

Niall: (grabs it)

Zayn: (than puts Niall back on his lap)

Niall: (stirs the cereal with his spoon)

Zayn: your not hungry baby

Niall: (sniffles and shakes his head no)

Zayn: here (grabs it from him and places it on the ground) are you ok?

Niall: no now Louis hates me

Zayn: Louis doesn't hate you he just was mad at you for a moment but he's over it I swear and you should get over it too.

Niall: ok... (mumbles) I'm sorry (soon his eyes were getting heavy and he falls asleep)

Zayn: I know you are (kisses his forehead and let's him sleep)

Liam: (than walks in and stands near the bed) how Is he? (Rubs Niall's hair out of his eyes)

Zayn: oh he's fine just was a little cranky this morning but he's fine

Liam: that's good I'll check on you guys later (walk out of the room)

Zayn: (places him on the bed to sleep)

Niall: (than wakes up, and than mumbles) Zayn

Zayn: shh yes baby

Niall: can you sleep with me?

Zayn: sure (climbs in the bed with Niall and falls asleep with him Niall snuggles really close to him while Zayn slightly smiles at him)

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