Zayn Leaving 1D

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(This part is really sad, this is also the last story until the sequel I will begin the sequel tomorrow or sometime Saturday.)

Liam: (12 in the morning) so wait your leaving

Zayn: yeah I hate to break it to you, but I am

Liam: so whats going to happen when your gone

Zayn: just continue what your doing

Liam: (sighs) ok... but you will not tell Niall and Harry

Zayn:(all sad) I know but we have to tell them

Niall: (overhears and hears the whole thing) Oh don't worry about not telling me I already know everything (darts into the kitchen)

Zayn & Liam panic

Liam: just go talk to him

Zayn: (walks in the kitchen and sighs) Ni baby are you ok

Niall: I don't understand Z i thought you were happpy

Zayn: I am happy

Niall: than why are you leaving like this

Zayn: we can't stay together forever

Niall: but Liam says we are one big happy family

Zayn: we are and I promise I will be back and weren't suppose to be in bed

Niall: I couldn't sleep so I deciced to get a drink of water (than burst into tears)

Zayn: Aww Ni (picks him up and he sits on the couch with Niall on his lap) shh your alright (tries to calm the younger lad)

Niall: please don't leave (grabs Zayn's shirt)

Zayn: Shh baby look at me (lifts Niall's chin up) I know your upset but i promise I'll be back I promise (had a tear trickle down his face) I promise (hugs Niall)

Niall: (looks up at Liam)

Liam: It's ok Ni (rubs his already messy hair)

Zayn: (looks at Niall) I love you Niall and you will always be my baby boy promise you will behave for Liam for me

Niall: (whispers) I promise (places his head on Zayn's shoulder)

Zayn: (chuckles) come let's go back to bed (carries Niall into his room)

Niall: nite Li

Liam: nite babe (kisses his head)

Zayn: (carried him into his room and places him in the bed)

Niall: (tries to fall asleep but whimpers and tears strained down Niall's face)

Zayn: shh just try to get some sleep baby (wipes his tears off his face)

Niall: (than falls asleep a few minutes later and Zayn kisses his forehead)

Zayn: (whispers) Nite baby (turns off the light)

(A few months later Zayn comes down with his bags in his hand)

Zayn: well thats all of them (looks at the ground)

Liam: Aww Z (runs to hug Zayn) I love you

Zayn: I love you too Li

Liam: (unhugs him) remember to call when you get to the hotel

Louis: Liam

Liam: sorry being overprotective again

Zayn: (chuckles) It's ok will do

Louis: bye man i love you (hugs him)

Zayn: I love you too (unhugs him)

Niall: (stands their nearly in tears)

Liam: (places his hand on Niall's shoulder and whispers) are you alright?

Niall: (trying to be brave and whispesr back) yeah... I'm fine

Zayn: Aww baby come here (kneels down and opens his arms)

Niall: (runs into his arms and cries his heart out)

Zayn: shh... It's ok (unhugs himand kisses his forehead) I love you, be good for Liam if not your going to get it when I get back

Niall: (chuckles and smiles slightly) I love you too

Zayn: (smiles)

Niall: (goes back to Liam and Liam rubs his shoulder)

Zayn: (than he turns to Harry) Harry?

Harry: (stares than shakes his head and walks away)

Zayn: umm?

Louis: Haz (follows him)

Harry: (looks at Louis)

Louis: you haven't said a word

Harry: I know.... I'm sorry.... I'm just.....

Louis: It's ok (grabs Harry's arm and brings him back to the other lads)

Zayn: Haz come here (has his arms open for Harry)

Harry: (walks slowly to over to Zayn and hugs him)

Zayn: are you alright (notices Harry's body drops and trembles)

Harry: yeah I'm fine (tries so hard not to cry)

Zayn: Haz just let it out everythings going to be ok

Harry: (starts sniffling)

Zayn: it's ok... (rubs his curls)

Harry: (thans starts crying) I love you Z I really do (unhugs him and looks at Zayn)

Zayn: i love you too Haz (kisses his head)

Harry: (nods and runs into Louis's arms and starts crying)

Louis: Aww Haz it's ok (rubs his back)

Zayn: Bye guys love you all

Everyone: Bye Zayn love you too

(Zayn walks out the door and waves goodbye)

Louis: I think someone needs a nap (looks at crying Harry)

Harry: will you carry me?

Louis: sure (picks Harry up and carries him to bed)

Harry: do you think he will be back to see us?

Louis: of course he will (kisses Harry's cheek)

Niall: (looks at them and smiles and walks to the couch)

Liam: Hey Ni (sits on the couch with Niall)

Niall: yeah?

Liam: Your cute...

Niall: Thanks?

Liam: come here baby (lifts him under his armpits and places him on his lap)

Niall: (was scared at first) Ahhh! Li what are you.... oh?

Liam: (chuckles) I love you (kisses his head repeadtly)

Niall: ok now your acting like Zayn

Liam: (starts tickling Niall)

Niall: (laughs) Ahh! Stop Liam I command you to stop (laughs) please

Liam: (stops and pulls Niall closer to him and kisses his cheek)

Niall: (puts his head on Liam's shoulder and his eyes were getting heavier and heavier)

Liam: just go to sleep Niall

Niall: (he finally falls alseep)

Liam: (places Niall on the couch, pulls a blanket over him, kisses his forehead and heads into the kitchen)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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