It Wasn't My Fault Part 2

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Liam: (was talking to Zayn in his room) ok I don't know what your problem is but you are so overprotective when it comes to the boys it needs to stop

Zayn: (was getting furious) I'm overprotective because I want what's best for them unlike you and Louis who gives them love taps

Liam: (gets mad as well) that does not give you the right to almost kill them. Do you realize that Haz can't even stay in the same room as you are in because he's afraid you might do something to him?

Zayn: you are being overdrama...

Liam: (interrupts him, and shouts) hey Harold can you come up here for a second

Harry: (shouts back) are you the only one there

Liam: yes!

Harry: (runs upstairs in Liam's room, was shock that Zayn was there) you lied to me (starts almost crying)

Liam: shh (hugs him and rubs his back) just go back downstairs

Harry: (nods and heads back downstairs)

Liam: see?

Zayn: ok Li but these boys have been at the rear end of my ass they need to be punished and discipline

Liam: (was beyond furious he slams his fist down on the dresser) that doesn't give you the right to blister and bruise their bottoms!

Zayn: (never seen Liam this angry before) wow Li just calm down

Liam: don't ever tell me to calm down or I will take my belt off and make sure you won't sit down for a very long time and fact I'm going to do it now

Zayn: what? Li... (Before he could finish his sentence Liam pulled down his sweatpants and push him over the bed took off his belt and started whipping his butt, he screamed out in pain and he couldn't handle it the pain was shooting through his backside but Liam didn't care)

Liam: (kept landing hard smacks on his unprotective bottom) now how do you think Niall and Harry feel huh?

Zayn: idk

Liam: really you don't know huh (pulls down his underwear and starts landing more) now how do they feel

Zayn: upset please Li I can't handle anymore

Liam: you have ten more you reach back and I will start all over again and than I will spank you with the paddle instead understand

Zayn: yes Li I under...stand

Liam: (gives him ten more hard smacks and sits him on his lap)

Zayn: I'm sorry so very sorry

Liam: shh (rocks him back and forth) your alright love

Zayn: Li (looks up at him his eyes all red and puffy)

Liam: yes baby

Zayn: I'm sorry and I love you

Liam: I know you are. Love you too.

Zayn: (gets up off his lap and pulls up his boxers gently) I guess I will go see my baby Ni and apologize to him

Liam: (taking care of his boys again) are you sure you can rest a little while before you go see him I will let you sit on my lap even put cream on your sore bottom

Zayn: it's ok Li (limps to the door)

Liam: (chuckles to himself) I'm proud of you Z

Zayn: (smiles) thanks Li (goes downstairs into Louis bedroom and sees Niall crying on the bed his heart broke into two) Niall baby are you ok (rubs his shoulder)

Niall: (sits up) Zayn? (lifts up his hands up to him)

Zayn: (sits on the bed gently) ahh! (he than picks up Niall and sits him on his lap)

Niall: did Liam...

Zayn: (interrupts him) yes, but I'm fine

Niall: (burst into tears) I'm sorry

Zayn: shh your alright no need to cry love you did nothing wrong

Niall: but... But you got a spanking because of me and now you hate me (starts crying)

Zayn: Ni that's not true i don't hate you. I got a spanking because I needed a friendly reminder to not treat you and Harold like crap

Niall: (still cries)

Zayn: (lifts Niall's chin up) A cute boy like you shouldn't be crying

Niall: (cries and laughs at the same time)

Harry: (walks in the room) Hey Niall do you want... (Sees Zayn and stands there scared)

Niall: (looks up at Zayn with the cutest face)

Zayn: (smiles at him and kisses his forehead, looks at Harry) come here Haz

Harry: (shakes his head no)

Zayn: (begs) please

Harry: (sighs and gently walks over)

Niall: (gets off Zayn's lap so Harry can sit on his lap)

Harry: (sits on Zayn's lap and tenses up)

Zayn: (notices and sighs) its ok Haz I'm not going to hurt you I just wanted to apologize for everything (kisses his head)

Niall: (sits closer to Zayn and places his head on Zayn's shoulder)

Zayn: (smiles at how cute Niall looks) I love my baby boys so much

Harry: (snuggles close to Zayn and both boys fall asleep)

Zayn: aww (sees the two younger lads asleep and decides to sleep as well)

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