Car Crashes

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(Zayn got a new car and he was excited to show everyone)

Louis: I love it why don't I go for a spin (joking with him)

Zayn: you touch it your dead

Louis: excuse me I was just kidding

Zayn: sorry Lou I just paid all my money for this car and it means the world to me

Harry: (gets closer to it and points to it seeing a scratch mark) it looks like a mark is on it

Zayn: don't touch it (slaps his hand hard)

Harry: oww but I didn't...

Liam: (interrupts him) hey Haz let's go get some Ice cream (pulls his arm gently inside

Zayn: better run too the store to get some paint (jogs to store since its less than a block away)

(A couple minutes later Liam and Louis had to go pick up groceries)

Harry: (was upstairs watching Phil of the Future)

Niall: (was outside looking at the car he decided to take for spin when suddenly he accidentally drove the car in the kitchen)

Niall: (got out of the car praying) Dear God please be dream please be a dream (slams his hand against his head) it's a nightmare

Harry: (came downstairs 5 minutes later to get a snack) wow there's a car in the kitchen

Niall: there is I had no idea

Harry: Niall did you drive this car into the kitchen

Niall: yes....

Harry: dude Zayn will pulverize you

Niall: do not mention...

Liam & Louis walk in with bags of groceries

Harry: yikes Liam and Louis are here

Niall: umm just stall them I will clean up some of the mess

Harry; Rodger (runs out of the kitchen to see Liam and Louis) hey guys

Louis: hey Hazza come give me a kiss

Harry: (gives him a kiss)

Liam: where's Niall? I need to carry these in the kitchen

Harry: oh I wouldn't go in there if we're you

Louis: oh and why not Haz

Harry: because Niall has a surprise for you in the kitchen

Liam: omg did help clean those dishes or maybe he cooked dinner for me. I'm soo excited (runs in the kitchen with Louis and Harry behind his tail) what the hell my kitchen

Harry: I told you it was a surprise

(All three run near the car)

Louis: hey I just mopped these floors

Liam: Zayn is dead

(Zayn came home 5 minutes later)

Liam: (runs out into the living room) hey Zayn how could you make a mess in my kitchen (grabs his arm roughly

Zayn: oh Li I'm sorry for not cleaning up the mess earlier while I was making a sandwich

Liam: this is not about the sandwich

Zayn: that what...

Liam: (interrupts him) come with me (both head into the kitchen) see?

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