Still Not Talking To You

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Harry: (wakes up out of the bed he rubs his eyes and walks downstairs in the living room and sees all the members sitting on the couch)

Liam: good morning sleepy head (Harry sits on his lap)

Harry: good morning Li

Louis: Hey Haz

Harry: (crosses his arms) still not talking you (walks off into his room

Liam: Niall can you go into Louis's room for a sec

Niall: ugg fine (jumps off Zayn's lap and goes into Louis room)

Zayn: no attitude mister

Niall: yes sir I'm sorry (heads in his room)

Liam: (punched Zayn on the shoulder hard) I thought you talked to Harry last night

Zayn: (rubs his shoulder) oww I did I did he was crying he told me he loved me than fell asleep on my lap

Liam: oh great now what are we going to do

Louis: it doesn't matter he hasn't talked to me in three days so obviously he doesn't care

Liam: yes he does we just have to think of something

Zayn: like what?

Liam: I don't know he's much harder to forgive than Niall, Niall forgives so easily

Louis: I know.....

Niall: (peeks out and hears the older members talking about him) what about me?

Liam: Niall get back in the room!

Niall: oh (looks like he's about to cry and closes the door)

Liam: (sighs)

Zayn: (rubs his shoulder) maybe I will go talk to him (walks in Louis's room to comfort Niall)

Louis: (was in tears) I love Hazza so much I want him to forgive me

Liam: (hugs Louis) don't worry Lou we will think of something I promise, just because he hates you for right now doesn't mean I hate you I love you

Louis: (stutters) I love you too

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