Restaurant Attitude

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Louis: (running in the restaurant and sees Zayn's table) sorry I'm late

Zayn: it's fine just sit down love

Louis: how are you Nialler (rubs Nialls hair)

Niall: oh I'm good

Louis:that's good (sits down) and how are you Liam

Liam: oh great. Hey Niall want to split the nachos

Niall: yes! (both high five)

Zayn & Louis(giggle)

Louis: hey Zayn where's Harry

Zayn: idk i tried calling him like 30 times

Louis: that boy is about to be paddled if he doesn't show up in the next...

Harry: (runs in the restaurant, giggling with a pretty girl)

Liam: oh there he is (points near the front)

Louis: wait why is he hanging out with a girl that's it (gets up angry)

Liam: wait that's Peyton (puts his arm on Louis shoulder so who cares)


Liam:just sit down

Louis:fine (sits back down) sorry guys

Zayn: it's fine (looks at Niall) are u ok baby

Niall: oh yeah I'm fine...

Zayn: are u sure

Niall: I'm fine

Zayn: ok if u say so

(Harry and Peyton see the other members)

Peyton: hey look Haz it's Boobear (points to Louis)

Harry: zip it Peyton

Peyton: haha lets go see them (grabs his arm and drags him to there table)

Harry: wait Peyton

Peyton: hey guys

Louis: oh hey love nice to meet you

Peyton: aww Harry Boobear is so sweet

Harry:(embarrassed turns red) stop it Peyton!

Peyton: I'm sorry (hears the horn go off and heard her mom yell Peyton)

Peyton:I'm coming! Gotta go bye Harry (kisses Harry's cheek)

Harry: bye

Peyton:(waves goodbye and goes to the car)

Louis:So Haz who's that chic

Harry: (snappy) none of your business

Niall:(smiles) ohh

Zayn: (slaps the back of Niall's head)

Niall:Oww! (Rubs his head)

Zayn: Shh it's ok

Louis:(glares at Harry) were leaving

(grabs Harry's arm roughly)

Harry: let me! I command you to let me go

Louis: (drags Harry's arm outside to the car turns him around and started landing hard slaps on his bum)

Harry: Oww! Oww! Please

Louis:( turns him around Harry crying) your behavior is completely unacceptable when we get home I'm going to beat your butt so badly you won't be able to sit down for a week and that's a promise ( grabs his arm again)

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