Hazza Runs Away

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(Harry ran away and the members were looking for him, he found a bench and fell asleep on it he was cold and hungry and had no one to comfort him he was alone forever alone.)

(All the members : running outside to find him.)

Louis: Harry Hazza baby where are you! (Got in tears and started crying)

Liam: (being the dad started comforting him and hugging him) its ok Lou Bear we will find him

Niall: (sees someone sleeping on the bench and runs towards it)

Zayn: Ni, Nialler where are you going (runs after him as well as the other boys)

Niall: (runs up and sees Harry on the bench shivering, whimpering and sleeping.)

Zayn: Niall why did you run off like that (smacks Niall's butt)

Niall: I'm sorry I found Harry (points towards the bench)

Louis: oh my gosh my baby Hazza ;(runs towards and hugs him)

Harry: (wakes up and sees Louis) Lou guys what are you doing here I thought you hated me

Liam: oh my gosh Haz we will never hate you we love you soo much and your our baby boy

Niall: hey!

Liam: you are too (rubs his blond hair)

Niall: (blushes)

Louis: come here (picks him up like a baby and carries him home) we are going home

Niall: will you carry me Z

Zayn: (nods and picks him up the same way)

Liam: I love you guys soo much and I'm sorry Haz that you felt like you hated us

Harry: I love you guys too (snuggles closer to Louis)

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