Picking On Niall

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 Harry: (was in a bad mood all day he could not stop picking on Niall today Louis warned him so many times.) Omg move out my way doofus (pushing Niall out of the way to go into the kitchen)

Niall: (wasn't even in the way) But.. I was not even in your way

Harry: whatever jerkface (feels hard smacks on his bottom, yelps in pain)

Louis:(turns him around roughly) Enough picking on Niall! Do you understand me?

Harry: But... but.. he was in...

Louis: (interupts him) I don't want to hear it if you pick on Niall one more I will get Zayn to spank you

Harry: but he will...

Louis: (interupts him again) I dont care what he will do to you. You don't pick on Niall anymore. got it?

Harry: (nods his head)

Louis: Good boy (walks into his room)

Niall: you heard him be nice to me

Harry: whatever baby

Niall: I'm not a baby!

Harry: Ugg your soo annoying I hate your guts and you everybody hates you. You make One Direction horrible. (punches him in the stomach) Go die in a hole fat arse!

Niall: (grunts in pain and falls over and cries)

Harry: Shutup!

Zayn & Liam run downstairs and Louis run out of his room

Liam: What's going here? Niall! (sees him on the ground a crying mess) OMG my poor baby what happened (kneels down next to him and rubs his back)

Niall: (sttuters) Har..ry h..

Zayn: (strictly) Niall calm your breathing

Niall: I... cant...

Zayn: Yes you can! Just breath ( does breaths to help Niall)

Niall: (copies Zayn)

Zayn: good boy. Now what happend

Niall: Harry

Liam: what about Harry?

Niall: He...he called me rude things and punched me in the stomach (starts bursting into tear)

Liam: Niall baby shh (rubs his back)

Harry: (mumbles to himself) dick

Louis: (was beyong furious and starts yelling at Harry) Harold didn't i specifally tell you not to pick on Niall

Harry: (was getting scared) Yes..

Louis: (looks at him coldly) than i suggest you get your butt upstairs in your room

Harry: (was shaking with fear) but..Lou

Louis: (starts acting like Zayn) Now! (points upstairs)

Harry: (runs upstairs like a cheetah)

Liam: wow Boo your acting like Zayn

Zayn: really?

Louis: just go handle him Z

Zayn: are you sure

Louis: Yes I can't even look at the boy without killing him

Liam: Now Lou

Louis: Sorry

Liam: It's fine why don't you take Niall into your room

Louis: (carries Niall into his room)

(Meanwhile upstairs)

Zayn: (walks in Harry's room and sits on his bed) come here

Harry: (shakes his head no)

Zayn: (pats his lap, strictly) Haz I'm not spanking you yet just come here (pats his lap again)

Harry: (sits on his lap)

Zayn: Haz look at me

Harry: (looks up at him)

Zayn: please tell me why are you being rude to Niall

Harry:(starts crying) he's just getting all the attention

Zayn: (pulls him into a hug)

Harry: (starts crying fully) I'm sorry Z

Zayn: I know you are (unhugs him) here's the thing I can give you 50 with the paddle bare

Harry: (really scared now and shakes his head)

Zayn: No. no just listen to me or 20 with the belt and grounded two weeks

Harry: Do I have to be bare if I ask for the belt

Zayn: well since your my sweet little Haz I guess not

Harry: Ok I will chose the belt

Zayn: are sure no going back or changing your mind

Harry: I'm sure

Zayn: Ok bend over babycakes

Harry: (lays across Zayn)

Zayn: (takes off his belt and starts landing smacks)

Harry:(even with everything on it still hurts) Oww

Zayn: just 5 more Hazza and i will make them quick (landed the last 5) are you ok?

Harry; (starts crying) No now Niall hates

Zayn: (picks him up and tries to calm down) Shh... Please he will never hate you

Harry: (crying in Zayn's shirt) Yes he does

Zayn: shh no more crying i' can't you like this (lifts up harrys' chin) I'm sure if you apoglize to him he will forgive you.

Harry: (gets off Zayn's lap and wipes his tears off with the back of his hand) I'm going to go apoglize

Zayn; you do that champ

 Harry: (than goes and says sorry to Niall and finds him crying his eyes out into Louis) i'm sorry Ni

Louis: did you learn your lesson?

Harry: (shakes his head yes)

Louis: come here (pats the bed)

Harry: (sits next to Louis)

Louis: Ni do you forgive Harry

Niall: Yeah. I'm sorry i'm getting all the attention I promise i will share it

Harry: (smiles slighty and hugs Niall)

Louis: Aww (decides to join in the hug)

Zayn: (walks in the room) Hey Haz

Harry: yeah

Zayn: your grounded for one week instead

Harry: thanks Z

Zayn: (nods and walks out)

(They all hug again)

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