Protective Over Niall

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(Niall was outside playing football with his buddies and Harry)

(Meanwhile Liam was in the kitchen he walks out and starts talking to Zayn)

Liam: where's Ni?

Zayn: oh he's outside playing football with the boys and Harry

Liam: football? What about his knee? The doctor specifically said not to play it anymore

Zayn: come on Li it's his favorite sport you can't let him give up on it

Liam: I care more about his safety than him playing the sport

Zayn: your such a dad

Liam: I know I am (walks outside and sees Niall playing QB walks over to him)

Niall: down set.... (Liam came over and picks up bridal style, Niall admittedly dropped the football and was totally embarrassed) Li... I...

Liam: shh it's ok (takes him inside and sets him on the floor, and than crosses his arms) young man what did I say about playing football and what happened last time

Niall: not to play, and I was in the hospital but Li football means the world to me

Liam: you heard me I'm not letting you play and that's final, now how about we watch a movie and I'll make brownies

Niall: ok....

Liam: (was in the kitchen making brownies while Zayn and Niall were talking)

Niall: football means the world to me you have to make Liam change his mind

Zayn: I'm sorry baby but Liam's in charge

Niall: ugg no what I'm going to do for my exercise besides Rugby and Football there's no other sport I can play or to get in shape

Zayn: first of all your not fat and second why don't you do Zumba or go for a jog

Niall: hmm... Ok

Zayn: well I gotta go (kisses his forehead) I'm watching Duck Dynasty

Louis: (comes out of nowhere) wait you watch that show

Zayn: yeah I just got into it and I love it

Louis: oh my gosh! Me too

Zayn: let's go watch it (heads upstairs with Louis) are you coming Ni

Niall: nah ill hang out here

Zayn: ok have fun kiddo

Niall: thanks

(After both boys were in Zayn's room Niall heads outside and watches the boys play a little bit and goes for a jog for fifteen minutes)

Liam: (comes out of the kitchen with fresh brownies and notices Niall is gone he looks everywhere than realizes he went outside)

Niall: (came back from his jog and falls asleep on the bench)

Liam: (walks outside and sees Harry but not Niall so he walks over) Hey Haz,

Harry: hey Li were in a middle of the game

Liam: Idc where's Niall

Harry: oh on the bench sleeping (points to the bench)

Liam: oh did he play football

Harry: no

Liam: (looks at him sternly and pulls him away from his friends and whispers harshly) if your lying to me boy ill spank you right in front of your friends

Harry: I'm not, he went for a jog than passed out on the bench

Liam: (sighs and than hugs Harry) I'm sorry for believing for that moment

Harry: it's all good

Liam: (unhugs him) now go back to play with your friends

(Harry walks towards his friends and continues to play)

Liam: (walks towards Niall and picks up bridal style again)

Niall: (suddenly wakes up when Liam took him home and places him in the bed and kisses his head)

(The next day Niall was hanging out with the same friends they went to the movies and had ice cream, but all they did was tease Niall about it he walks in the house and yells shut up! Than slams the door on their faces)

Niall: (was beyond furious)

Zayn: (sitting on the couch watching TV) woah you need to calm down Ni

Niall: (sighs and sits on the couch with Zayn) don't you think Liam is soo overprotective

Zayn: yes.

Niall: I mean he's constantly treating me like I'm 3 I'm turning 18 next month I need some freedom

Zayn: well he is the dad and all he wants best is for you and Harry to be safe

Niall: I know but he overdoes It sometimes

Zayn: haha I know, but it reminds me of Louis with Harry

Niall: really?

Zayn: yeah Louis won't hardly ever let Harry cross the street without holding his hand or on his back

Niall: wow I guess I didn't realize that I'm just tired of being treated like a little kid I want to be more grown up

Zayn: your young love you have time to grow up but in the meantime keep following our rules

Niall: (sighs) ok

Zayn: do you want to watch Duck Dynasty with me

Niall: sure. Mind if I sit on your lap

Zayn: go for it

Niall: (sits on Zayn's lap) see I don't mind if you baby me because you don't do it front of people like Liam

Zayn: (joking with him) oh so next time were In public with your friends ill make sure to embarrass you

Niall: please don't

Zayn: I'm just kidding (kisses his cheek)

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