Oh No! An Accident Part 2

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Harry: I don't want to wear diaper though

Louis: I know you don't but I'm sorry it's Liam decision

Niall: (comes into the living hearing the whole thing) wait Haz has to wear a diaper (laughing so hard) this day is getting better and better

Harry: (embarrassed buries his head in Louis shoulder and bawls his eyes out)

Louis:( holds him tighter) aww baby don't cry (glares at Niall) as for you Niall you better zip before your in the same position

Niall: (mumbles) I'm sorry Lou

Louis: it's alright come on Haz let's go upstairs

Harry: (looks up at Louis) why Boobear

Louis:( whispers) so I can put cream on your bottom I know it's probably blistered and has rashes on it

Harry: oh

Louis:( pulls Harry off his lap and grabs his hand) we'll be back Ni (heads upstairs in his room) so behave

Nial: yeah I get

Louis: I mean it

(Louis and Harry go into Louis's room)

Harry: (sits on the blanket that Louis has out in the middle of the floor)

Louis: (comes towards him with a new diaper some wipes and soothing butt cream)

Harry: (lays down)

Louis: (takes off his pants and takes off his diaper wipes down his area with wipes and flips him over and wipes his butt)

Harry: Oww it stings boo

Louis: I know Haz I know (looks at his butt it's all blistered and rashed, than he puts the cream on his butt next)

Harry: (jumps at the cold impact on his bruised bottom) it's... Cold and hurts

Louis: (smiles at how cute Haz is acting even though he's 17 he and Niall sure acted like babies or little kids he thought it was so cute)

Harry: (pouting) do I have to wear a diaper don't you think I went through enough torture already

Louis: I'm sorry Haz but I'm afraid so

Harry: oh ok... I'm sorry

Louis: babe I love you

Harry: I love you too...

Louis: (puts a fresh diaper on him and pulls his pants up) fresh and clean

Harry: I guess

Louis: come on babe Zayn has dinner for us

Harry: ok

(Louis & Harry walk downstairs in the kitchen)

Louis: is dinner ready love

Zayn: yes (puts the condiments on the table)

Zayn: Liam! Niall dinner is ready

(Both come in kitchen and everyone sit's down)

Niall:(teasing)so Baby how was peeing yourself again or wearing a diaper (feels a sharp kick at his leg)

Oww! What did I do?

Zayn: (about to kick him again) you know exactly what you did

Niall: (mumbles) dick

Zayn: (stands up angrily drags Niall up from his chair to the sink, pulls liquid soap off the counter) Open!

Niall: (shakes his head no)

Zayn: (smacks his butt hard) I'm not going to ask you again open up or I will paddle your butt so hard you won't sit for month

Niall: but Zayn I'm sorry (nearly in tears)

Zayn: don't care (squirts the soap in his mouth) you wait 2 minutes and than you can spit

Niall: (nearly gags)

(2 minutes later)

Zayn: alright spit

Niall: (spits in the sink) eww

Zayn: I know now go apologize to the others

Niall: I'm sorry guys about what happened

Everyone: it's alright Ni we still love you

Zayn: alright sit lad

Niall: (sits at the table)

Everyone: (eat and enjoy their time together talking, laughing and being one big happy family)

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