Oh No! An Accident

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(Harry was waking up from his nap he felt something cold hit his leg at first he had no clue what is was than it was still going and soaked wet he groaned and got out of bed to see what it was his pants were soaking wet and so was his underwear he realized he wet the bed and he didn't know it before)

Harry: God I'm such an idiot (pulled off his pants and hide them in his drawer, if Zayn found out about this he will make sure Harry didn't sit down for a month, he stuff everything in his drawer)

Niall:(walks in the room to tell him lunch is ready) hey Haz lunch Is Oh good lord what is that smell it smells like...

Harry: hush niall (covers his mouth)

Niall: (pulls his hand off his mouth, teasingly) Harry did you wet the bed

Harry: (nods in embarrassment)

Niall: (making fun of him) haha you are the baby of the group maybe after Liam Zayn or Louis deal with you they will put a diaper on you

Harry: aww Niall stop it I don't need one

Niall: ok whatever

(The Next Few Days)

(Harry has been still having accidents and this time Liam found out)

Liam: (walked in Harry's room to check on him he wasn't there the smell was terrible it smells like pee, wait he thought to myself Haz wouldn't have accidents normally Niall would have this type of problem he looked around and saw wet clothes in his closet as well as in his drawer)

Liam: that boy is going to have a bruised bottom! (He walks downstairs and sees Harry on conch with Louis) hey Harry

Harry: hi

Liam: (whispers harshly in his ear) upstairs now!

Harry: (looks all sad goes upstairs slowly)

Liam: (spanks him hard)

Harry: oww (turns around)

Liam: (glares at him)

Harry: I'm sorry (all sad)

Liam: you will be once Zayn gets here

Harry: (begs) please don't tell Zayn he will make sure I don't sit down for a month or a year

Zayn: (comes home and hears Harry) not to tell me what

Harry: I'm sorry Zayn please don't kill me (scared)

Zayn: just go upstairs in Liam's room we will be up in a second

Harry: (goes upstairs fully crying)

(After Harry disappears)

Louis: so what happened (stands up from the couch)

Liam: he had an accident and hid all of his stuff

Zayn: wait as in peeing himself

Liam:( nods) well I'm going to the store to pick up stuff (heads out)

Louis: so wait until you get back to deal with Harry

Liam: yes

Zayn: ok

(Liam came back from the store in 25 minutes later he had a box of diapers and baby powder)

Louis: what's in the bag Li?

Liam: just some diapers and baby powder I will be back to deal with him

Louis: hmm umm ok?

Liam: (went upstairs grabbed Zayn's paddle from his drawer and went in his room seeing Harry on his bed crying)

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