Gambling and Accidents again

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Harry: oww Lou let go ahh

Louis:(goes inside the house and drags him by the ear in the living room sees Liam and Zayn on the couch) tell them what I saw you just did

Harry: I would rather not

Louis: (pulls his ear tighter and tightens his grip)

Harry: ahh!!! Please

Louis: (tell them)

Harry: I.. I..

Louis: (still holds his grip on his ear and spanks his bottom continually) you either tell or I will makes sure you won't sit down for a very long time

Harry: oww oww I get it I will tell

Louis: go on (slaps his butt)

Harry: Lou stop it I will tell

Louis: ok than

Harry: well guys I guess I still you know

Liam: I know what

Louis: why don't you tell the beginning of the story

Liam: I'm so confused

Louis: Harold Edwards Styles you better tell him the full story or my hand will reach your ear again

Harry: but it hurts and it's already red

Louis: stop this damn act right now and tell him!

Harry: umm ok well I went gambling with some woman older than me used Liam's debit card and I keep peeing my pants again and I'm sorry please don't kill me (referring to Liam and Zayn)

Liam: well we still have the diapers up in closet Haz looks like you will be wearing them again for 2 weeks also come over my lap dear

Harry: (places himself over Liam's lap)

Liam: I will give you 20 just with my hand over jeans because I know Louis did enough already to you

Louis: Hey!

Zayn: If it was me I would do stuff to him 10x worse

Liam: of course you would Z (starts landing smacks until he got to 20) all done Haz (whispers in his ear) go upstairs in your room and I will be there in a minute

Harry: (sighs and heads upstairs)

Zayn: I love you Hazza

Harry: I love you too Z

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