Liam In Charge

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Hey guys here's the next story. Sorry it took so long. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it :)

Liam: Where is he? (holding the phone near his ear while calling Louis)

Harry: Maybe he's at a party with Eleanor. (in the kitchen naked)

Liam: (takes his down and puts it in his pocket) I know but he was suppose to be home an hour ago, and Harry put your clothes back on!

Harry: (grumbles) Fine...

Liam: No attitude

Harry: (mocks him) No attitude (he walks into the laundry room to change and goes back into the kitchen) There I put them on are you happy now

Liam: Ok? Man...

Harry: Whats wrong?

Liam: I'm just worried about Niall ok

Harry: why?

Liam: because I'm the daddy around the house and I'm just worried about him ok

Harry: well don't be whats the worst that could happened him coming home with a black eye and bloody nose

Liam: (nods) true

Niall;(than walks in quietly with his hat over his eyes he didn't want Liam or Zayn to see him all they do is treat him like he's 3)

Liam: (sees Niall) Niall's here! Hi Niall how was meeting and signing those fans autographs

Niall: Good.. I have to use the restroom (runs into his bedroom)

Harry: (looks suspicious and decides to follow Niall) Hi Niall!

Niall: ( jumps) Ahh! What do you want?

Harry: nothing why are wearing a hat over your eyes

Niall: It's a new style

Harry: really!

Niall: Yep all the trendy kids are wearing it like this (shuts and locks the door)

Harry: (walks toward Niall and takes off his hat) Holy!... Mother...... (sees Niall's eye) What... What... happened.... to... your.... who did this to you....

Niall: (starts crying) well umm.. I was autographs and after I was done this group of guys started harassing me

Harry: That's it (walks to open the door)

Niall: (blocks the door) No you will not tell Liam about this

Harry: He's gonna find out sooner or later

Niall: we will cover it with foundation anything but we wont tell him

Liam: (knocks on the door) Niall baby are you ok?

Harry: (whispers to Niall) I told you

Niall: Im fine..Li

Liam: can you open this door?

Niall: (stand their nervous)

Liam: (trys to open the door) Niall open the door please

Niall: (stiil stands their)

Liam: Niall if you don't open the door you are going to be in serious trouble. Now open the door!

Niall: (sighs and open the door)

Liam: Niall why were you? What happened to your eye? Who did this to you?

Niall: A group of guys were harassing me after I sign the fans autographs. I'm sorry (was crying)

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