I Know I'm A Fat Pig

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(Niall was sitting on the couch eating potato chips when he was supposed to be cleaning)

Harry: (holding cleaning supplies) Niall aren't you suppose to be cleaning

Niall: shut up I'm eating

Harry: of course you are you are always eating maybe if you weren't such a fat arse you would help us clean more

Niall:(angry and almost in tears) is that what you think of me than I hate you! (darts in his room and slams the door)


Louis:(comes back inside from the porch) hey babe what was that noise

Harry: oh um nothing I'm going to finish the hallway bathroom

Louis: (grabs Harry's curls gently and kisses his cheek)

Harry: ahh Lou stop (laughing at the same time)

Louis:(starts tickling him)

Harry: hehe stop it (slaps his hand away)

Louis: ok I'll stop (laughing) love you baby curls

Harry: love you too (goes in the bathroom to finish)

(A couple hours later)

Zayn: boys dinner is ready!

Everyone: (runs downstairs except Niall)

Liam: where's Niall

Niall: (trudges downstairs) I'm here (trying to smile)

Louis: your ok baby

Niall:(mumbles)I'm fine...

Zayn: come eat lad ( pulls out chair for him to sit)

Niall: thanks Z

Zayn: (kisses his cheek, than whispers) I love you lad

Niall: I... Love... You... More

Zayn:(smiles but notices Niall wasn't himself)

(Everyone digs in and eat )

Niall: (sits there stirring his gravy)

Louis: Ni what's wrong

Niall: oh nothing

Liam: (being the dad) no there is something wrong why don't you tell us

Niall: cause it's not a big deal

Zayn: Niall if there's something bothering than of course it's a big deal

Niall: I'm just not hungry ok! (Runs upstairs)

Liam: what the heck just happened

Louis: let's go check on him

(Everyone heads upstairs except for Harry)

Louis: (puts his ear to Niall's door and hears him crying) guys Ni is crying (he opens the door and the three lads walk in)

Liam: (looks shocked and sees Niall crying his heart out into his pillow, walks over towards him, sits on the bed with him and rubs his back) Ni baby what happened hmm

Niall: (looks up at him and wipes his hand tears off with back of his hand) it's stupid really

Zayn: you are crying there's clearly something wrong please tell us

Niall: I just...

Liam: wait Niall do you think your fat

Niall: (was shocked that Liam was right, and nods)

Liam: Niall baby you are not fat who told you this

Niall: just the fans and a bunch of other people

Zayn: who's the other people

Niall:(sighs) its nobody

Zayn: you were crying so obviously it was somebody so tell us

Niall: Zayn

Louis: (goes near Niall and rubs Niall's leg) baby please tell who told you that

Niall: umm well

Zayn:(sighs) Niall

Niall: it was Harry ok

Zayn: (was furious an said through clenched teeth) that boy is dead meat

Liam: Harold Edward Styles! Get your butt up here

Harry: hold on I'm eating

Zayn: now!!!!

Harry: (sighs and go upstairs)

(Right when he entered the room Louis started landing hard smacks on his his bottom)

Harry: oww Lou that hurts

Louis: ohh you will be owwing in a few minutes now why on earth did you call Niall fat

Harry: I didn't mean to its just he wouldn't do his chores and I got frustrated I'm sorry (feeling guilty)

Louis: I know baby but you could have gotten any one of us well we would of told him to do his chores

Harry: I'm sorry

Louis: why don't you go to my room to get the punishment over with

Harry: but Lou...

Louis: do you want me to handle you or I can send you know who to deal with you (directing to Zayn)

Zayn: if you don't go with Louis or follow his rules I'll make sure you have a bruised bottom and make sure you don't sit down for a month

Harry:(scared to death) I'm going (darts in Louis's room)

Louis: that boy

Liam: tell me about it

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