Smoking again are you serious

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Niall was out on the porch smoking he figured since Liam was in the kitchen cooking dinner and Zayn was nowhere to be found there was no way he was going to get in trouble. Zayn said if he caught him or Harry smoking he will spank them with a paddle and a switch will be grounded for a month and get a bedtime spanking with a belt for the next week or so depends on how angry he was. Niall was enjoying himself until he heard the glass door open. Niall was enjoying himself until he heard Liam

Liam: Niall James Horan!!! What the heck are you doing?

Niall: I... umm

Liam: (drags him inside by his ear) you better have a good explanation before Zayn kills you

Niall: please don't tell Zayn he will kill me literaly kill me

Liam: (gives him the death glare) Oh i won't tell him

Niall: (sighs in relief)

Liam: You will

Niall: No Li I can't I won't

Liam: I know you will tell him sooner or later the guilt is going to come out of you sooner or later. i will tell him if i were you so you he doesn't find out and your in more trouble

Niall: Umm.. I'm sorry Li I'm just scared

Liam: It's ok baby just go wash up for dinner

Niall: (nods his head and ran upstairs, what if Zayn finds out what if he tells what if Liam tells either way he's dead) Ugg why am I soo stupid

Liam: Niall dinner is ready!

Niall: coming

Zayn: Hey Ni come sit next to me ( pulls out the empy chair for him)

Niall:(smiles weakly) Thanks Z

Zayn: So how's my Baby Nialler doing

Niall: me.. oh.. great... wonderful.. never better

Zayn: are you ok

Niall: yes sir I'm going to get more water want anymore

Zayn: Thanks love (hands him his glass)

Niall: your welcome... (goes in the kitchen and pours both cups)

Zayn: what's wrong with our baby Ni

Liam: (whispers back) why don't he tell you what happened

Zayn:fine Niall get your ass over here

Niall: (uh oh did Liam tell this can't be good)

Zayn: Now!

Niall: (puts his head and back to Zayn)

Liam: Louis why don't you take Harry into your roomso we can deal with Niall

Louis: ( nods his head and grabs Harry's arm)

Harry: aww but i want to see Niall get punished

(Everyone glares at him except Niall)

Zayn: you better get upstairs Harold before i start punishing you next

Harry: (gulps)

Louis: (grabs his ear instead) we will talk upstairs (and drags him upstairs)

Harry: Oww but Lou your huring me

Louis: Oh that won"t be the only thing hurting in a minute

Harry: but I was just kidding

Louis: (harsh tone) Hush Harold

Harry: ( flinches and follws Louis into him bedroom)

Louis: let's go of his ear

Harry: Oww (rubs his ear)

Louis: let's get this over with

Harry: But Lou

Louis: i don't want to hear now trousers down and bring the hairbrush

Harry:( stands there nervous)

Louis:( sternly) Now!

Harry: (stuttering) yes sir... (grabs the brush off the dresser and goes to Louis)

Louis: ( pulls down his pants the hairbrush to the side and pulls down Harry's pants) Now your getting 10 from my hand and 45 bare from the brush

Harry: (scrared) But Lou...

Louis: (Not in the mood) Do you want Zayn to deal with you instead? Cause I can go him right now!

Harry: (crying) no sir...

Louis: Harold you deserve everything coming towards you (begins spanking him 10 times)

Harry: Oww... Owww

Louis: Ok all you have is the brush ok?

Harry: Please Lou I promise i will be good

Louis: (feels guilty) I know baby almost done (grabs the brush pulls down his pants and starts spanking him the cold impact to his his heated bottom made a loud popping noise)

Harry: (let's out a piercing scream) Ahh!!!

Louis: (continued until he got to 25)

Harry: (layed limped like a doll gave up screaming and crying it felt like a thousand bees attacking his butt)

Louis: ( got to the last 5) Last 5 baby

Harry: Lou I can't take anymore (blinks tears away some soaked in Louis jeans)

Louis: (hands him his hand got to the last 4 and hits the last one on his sit spot)

Harry: (let a groan and started making bubles his bum was on fire his eyes were burning he layed limped over Louis lap for five minutes and was hiccuping)

Louis: shh it's alright your ok (rubs circles on his back, he carries him to his drawer and finds the butt lotion he rubs it on Harry's red bottom)

Harry: (the cold impact to the lotion gave him chills it felt good but still hurts alot)

Louis: (rubs his back and butt than pulls up his boxers and pants)

Harry: (hisses as both fabrics touch his butt)

Louis: (rubs his back) I love you (pulls him on his lap and hugs him)

Harry: (crys into louis shoulder) I love you too....

Louis: ( kisses Harry's head places his head on top of Harry's head and rocks him back and forth until he finally fell asleep)

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