Handling Niall

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Liam: (storms in the kitchen) ugg was I thought this boy learned his lesson about chewing on things he chewed on my brand new sneakers this makes me soo... Soo... What's the word? (Talking to Zayn sitting at the table looking at his IPad while drinking coffee)

Zayn: furious?

Liam: yeah that's the word he this close to have a switch to his bottom

Zayn: don't you think your over dramatic

Liam: don't you think your being extremely nice

Zayn: well I can admit to that, but I bet you can't

Liam: oh yeah I can, I can admit what you are doing

Zayn: I'm just trying to say don't you think your a little to hard on the boy his teeth are killing him

Liam: yes but he's chewing through so much doesn't he have his dummy's for that

Zayn: oh he chewed through all of them

Liam: what didn't we buy like ten

Zayn: yes but again his teeth are killing him besides I stayed up all night rubbing his gums why he complained about his teeth

Liam: eww that's why you have band aids on some of your fingers

Zayn: yeah

Liam: well after I'm done switching his bottom he is going to the doctors they shouldn't hurt that much especially for two weeks

Zayn: Li...

Niall: (hears and sneaks into Louis room)

Liam: Niall James Horan don't even think about going anywhere!

Niall: (whispers) dang it (walks to the older boys)

Liam: Ni I get your teeth are killing you but what have I told you about chewing on things (crosses his arms)

Niall: (sighs) not too

Liam: now go get a switch outside

Zayn: Li...

Liam: no Zayn. Now go Niall

Niall: (looks at the two older lads all sad and sighs and goes into the forest to grab a switch 5 minutes later he found one and brings it back in and hands it to Liam)

Liam: thank you (grabs Niall's arm) we will back

Zayn: no.... Why don't I handle him

Liam: why?

Zayn: he's my Baby Nando's... And I love him

Liam: (let's go of Niall's arm) are you sure

Zayn: yes now Niall get your butt upstairs in my room now

Niall: (scared) but Z

Zayn: now!

Niall: (sighs and heads upstairs in Zayn's room)

Liam: (hands Zayn the switch)

Zayn: (walks upstairs)

Liam: Zayn please don't kill him

Zayn: no promises

Liam: (whispers to himself) please don't kill please don't kill him

(Meanwhile in Zayn's room and Niall was breathing heavy)

Zayn: (stands in front of him) Niall you need to calm down

Niall: I can't your going to make sure I won't sit down for a long time

Zayn: (kneels in front of him and places his hand on Niall's knee) I'm not going to spank you

Niall: your not? Oww...

Zayn: (walks to his dresser and sighs)

Niall: are you ok?

Zayn: yes but I stopped spanking you boys

Niall: what? Why?

Zayn: because every time I spank you guys you end up being scared of me and I'm sorry (looks at the ground)

Niall: (gets up and hugs Zayn) no need to apologize we love you no matter how scary you are

Zayn: really? (unhugs him)

Niall: yes really now I'm going to be bare and you are going to spank me I... Deserve this...

Zayn: (smiles slightly) well not with that deadly thing (pointing to the switch)

Niall: hmm? With your belt 50 bare

Zayn: idk Ni

Niall: please (begs him)

Zayn: ok bend over?

Niall: (bends over and pulls both his boxers and pants down)

Zayn: (takes off his belt and gives him ten) ok you had enough

Niall: that's it not 50

Zayn: baby you don't deserve 50 unless you smoked or something

Niall: ok? (Pulls both up)

Zayn: (kisses his cheek) I love you

Niall: I love you too

Zayn: (let's go downstairs, grabs Niall's arm)

Liam: (was downstairs watching TV and sees Niall and hugs him) are you alright

Niall: I'm fine really

Liam: (picks him up and places him on his lap and kisses his nose) I love you Ni I really do by the way Louis went Louis went to the store (sticks the dummy in his mouth) I was to hard on you and I'm sorry Zayn was right

Zayn: I was (walks n the living room)

Liam: of course I guess I am overdramatic over my boys

Zayn: our boys

Liam: right our boys

Niall: (places his head on Liam's shoulder)

Liam: I love you and of course you too Zaynie (rubs his back)

Zayn: aww love you to Li, well sometimes

Liam: hey!

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