Cheeky Little Boy Harry

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(The members where downstairs recording their songs Niall started singing when Harry came down the stairs completely naked again this wasn't the first time today and Zayn and Louis reminded him a bunch of times to stop coming down in your birthday suit)

Liam: Harold Styles I thought Zayn told you to stop coming down stairs naked

Harry: he did (starts playing with his man part

Louis: Harold stop playing with your dick

Liam: anyways.... Harold go put your clothes on right this minute

Harry: but I feel so comfortable

Niall: I bet you do

Louis: but it's distracting love there's a time to be naked and a time not to

Harry: but I'm already done with my parts of recording why can't I stay like this

Zayn: (was getting impatient) don't you dare argue with us go upstairs and get changed or I will spank you with the switch 100 times bare

Liam: Zayn...

Harry: (was scared, so he darts into his room)

Zayn: hey at least it got him

Liam: true

(A couple minutes later lunch was ready and Harry was still naked, he was to lazy to change and really hot, he heard Louis call his name down for lunch)

Harry: coming! (Runs down the stairs in his man hood he completely forgot to change his clothes)

Niall: (was enjoying his sandwich when he started choking, Zayn was patting his back trying to get Irish boy to breath again, finally he stops) thanks Z..

Zayn: (smiles at Niall slightly than turns to look at Harry)

Louis: (looked liked he had flames in his eyes he storms over to Harry and spanks him hard) didn't we say to put your clothes on

Harry: yes but....

Louis: what's your excuse this time

Harry: I'm hot and I forgot

Louis: oh you forgot wow umm ok (grabs his arm roughly and lands 15 of his hardest smacks) get your bared but in the shower

Harry: but Boo

Louis: Now! (Points upstairs to the shower)

Harry: (scurries in the shower)

Zayn: how are going to deal with him

Louis: I have an idea (runs in the shower and sees Harry already in it. Good lad now if your so hot this will teach you to cool off (turns the water on cold)

Harry: ahh!! Boo I'm freezing (tries to get out put Louis pushes his foot back in he than tries to put the water on warm but Louis slaps his hand)

(After 5 minutes of coldness which was long enough Louis finally lets him out he wraps Harry in a big towel and carries him downstairs in his room)

Louis: (sits on the bed with shivering Harry on his lap)

Harry: (trying to stay warm to snuggle into Louis) I'm cold....

Louis: I know baby (tries to keep him warm) I'm sorry I went to far but please next time follow are rules ok

Harry: but how am I suppose to be cheeky when I have to keep my clothes on

Louis: haha you can be cheeky with me for a little while

Harry: but not now I'm to cold

Louis: ok maybe later (pulls him close to keep him warm)

Harry: (finally falls asleep in Louis's arms)

Louis: (looks at him) wow I'm missing my opportunity (than he falls asleep)

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