Don't Worry What People Think

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Liam: (walks in Niall's bedroom) hey baby (sits beside him on the bed while Niall tweeting his fans)

Niall: hey

Liam: we're running to different stores you wanna come with

Niall: no thanks (not looking up at Liam)

Liam: ok (kisses his forhead)

(Than Zayn walks in)

Zayn: hey Ni you been in your room over 8 hours please don't stay in here the whole time were gone. Ok?

Niall: ok yes sir

Zayn: (kisses his forehead) I love you

Niall: I love you too

(Both older members head out to go shopping as well as Louis and Harry)

(Meanwhile Niall got some very rude tweets one from LilyPrincess107 that said "Dear Niall Horan your so annoying you get all the attention from the older members and your not even the youngest you are a gay faggot who needs to learn to grow up and stop being a baby I hope Liam and Zayn hate you as much as I do you are nothing with One Direction and you will never be.

P.s your teeth are soo ugly with or without braces."

Niall: (was almost in tears and couldn't stop reading some of the others like Niall is gay, you are a faggot, and a bunch of others after thirty or so tweets Niall had it he slams the computer down hard and starts crying he was trying to control himself but he couldn't.)

(At that moment Liam's car pulled up Louis and Harry were fighting over what restaurant they should have eaten at and Louis has had it so he drags Harry into his room and gave him a nice spanking on his bare bottom)

(Meanwhile Zayn and Liam walked in looking for Niall and realized he was still in his room)

Zayn: ugg I told that boy to be downstairs by the time we got home

Liam: let's go see him

(Both members went up to see him, crying his eyes out)

Liam: (his heart broke into two he never seen Niall cry this much even though he was sensitive and tenderhearted he still was bold when it came to some things) Ni baby what happened (sits on his bed and pulls up his shirt and rubs his back) what happened baby hmm?

Niall: just alot of shit going around

Zayn: Niall language remember

Niall: I'm sorry (sits up and rubs his nose with the back of his hand)

Liam: Niall baby I'm sorry your going through a lot of crap right now but...

Niall: (interrupts him) I'm getting a spanking

Zayn: I'm afraid so baby

Niall: ok... (Stands up)

Zayn: (gently grabs his arm into his room sits in the bed and pulls Niall over his knees) 35 with my hand bare take it or leave it

Niall: (knew Zayn meant business if he didn't take it Zayn would do soo much worse) take it...

Zayn: good boy (rubs his back and pulls down his trousers and boxers)

Niall: I'm sorry for not listening to you

Zayn: (sighs and smiles slightly at how cute Niall was he decided to give him a little grace he pulls up his boxers) I'm giving you 25 instead with boxers up ok?

Niall: ok... Thank you....

Zayn: haha no problem (starts spanking him)

(After 15 Niall was squirming a little bit Zayn was not holding back he was going at a fast pace)

Zayn: hold still

Niall: (whimpers) Z I can't it hurts to much

Zayn: (puts his hand down for Niall to hold)

Niall: (squeezes it tightly)

Zayn: last 5 baby and I'm not going easy on you ok so be prepared

Niall: wow Zayn your becoming more strict

Zayn: I know, but you still love me right (spanks him the last 5)

Niall: oww... (Whimpers while Zayn picks him up and hugs him) of course I do I love you no matter what please don't tell Li this but I love you more than him

Zayn: haha I promise I won't

Liam: (runs in Zayn's room with tears holding Niall's laptop) baby these tweets they were awful

Niall: (gets off Zayn's lap) I tried to ignore them I really did but I couldn't (starts bursting into tears)

Liam: ( puts the laptop on Zayns dresser, picks Niall up and cradles him in his arms and started kissing his cheeks and forehead) I love you don't listen to these fans there just rude and insecure and don't have anything nice to say just remember I'm here with you as well as Zayn ok

Niall: ok

Liam: come lets go watch some movies (heads downstairs with Niall in his arms while Zayn walks behind him)

Louis: (was on the couch with Harry on his lap watching the Titanic while Louis was brushing Harry's hair)

Liam: did he get a bath (sits on the couch)

Louis: yep all fresh and clean

Zayn: (sits on the couch as well)

Niall: (moves onto Zayn's lap and snuggles really close to him)

Louis: (referring to Niall) cute kid

Harry: (gets a little jealous) what about me?

Louis: I wouldn't forget about you Haz (kisses his cheek)

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