Not My Fault

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(Harry was watching TV when he heard a crash near the kitchen he ran in to see what it was it turned out to be Louis special plate that he got from his grandma the plate meant the world to him to him Louis got it when he was three years old before his grandma passed away) what the heck Louis plate

Louis: (walks out into the kitchen and sees Harry) hey Hazza what was that... (Looks on the ground at the shattered plate)

Harry: Lou... I

Louis: save it Harold! Why would you brake this plate do you realize

Harry: that your grandma got it for you yes I do realize that your grandma got the plate for you but I didn't brake I swear I was in the living watching TV when I heard a crash

so I ran over here

Louis: your lying

Harry: (yells) no I'm not!

Louis: don't you raise your voice at me young man or you won't sit down for dinner, now come here (points his finger in front of him)

Harry: (glares at him and stands right in front of him)

Louis: (glares at him and grabs his shirt collar) look at my eyes

Harry: (looks at him after a couple minutes later he looks at the ground, and mumbles) I can't do it Lou

Louis: auhh I knew it (let's go of his shirt collar and turns him around and starts landing hard smacks everywhere stops at 15 and turns him around roughly)

Harry: (face scrunched up and whimpers)

Louis: you mister get your butt in my room

Harry: but Boo

Louis: Now! (Points to his room)

Harry: (slightly cries heads into the room and whispers to himself) you gotta believe me Boo I didn't break it I swear (once Harry got into Louis room he plops on the bed and cries onto his pillow until Louis walked in)

Louis: baby look at me

Harry: (gets up and holds Louis's pillow to his chest looking at a random spot on the floor)

Louis: (kneels down in front of him and places his hand on Harry's knee) I know you broke the plate why can't you admit it

Harry: (talks below a whisper) because I didn't break your plate

Louis: (stands up) Hazza please tell the truth I won't be mad I promise

Harry: Boo I did not break your plate

Louis: Haz this is your last time to tell me the truth or this brush (picks up a wooden brush with rough edges) will meet your perfect buttocks

Harry: buttocks?

Louis: please just tell me the truth

Harry: Boo I am telling the truth

Louis: well than over my lap you go (sits down and pulls him over his lap grabs the hairbrush and spanks until 45)

Harry: (crying fully)

Louis: (lifts him on his lap) come here (hugs him)

Harry: (pushes him away sits on the bed and yelps) I'm not lying I didn't break your break (was in tears fully)

Louis: shh (gets off the bed and tries to hug him)

Harry: leave me alone!

Louis: (gets off the bed and uses his favorite nickname maybe that will cheer him up a little) Hazza

Harry: no Boo leave.... Me.... Alone... I want to be alone (was crying in his hands)

Louis: ok well I love you baby

Harry: (looks up at Louis his eyes all red and puffy)

Louis: (tries to kiss Harry on the forehead and Harry shoves his hand and shakes his head no, than Louis walks out all disappointed)

(After Louis left Harry got up put his pants dug through his pockets and had $30 his card and his phone he opened the window and was about to step outside when Louis called his Harry's name)

Louis: (opened the door and saw Harry halfway out the window) Harry! (Panics and runs to the window and grabs his arm)

Harry: let go of me Boo

Louis: no I won't let you go! please don't commit suicide

Harry: (looks at him confused) what? Suicide (he let Louis pull him all the way In) Boo how did you think I will kill myself

Louis: (was In tears and hugs Harry tightly) because... I thought you were climbing out the window to kill yourself

Harry: (sits on the bed with Louis around him) oh Boo I wasn't killing myself I just needed a break from everyone and everything I just feel like I've been treated like a baby I'm turning 18 in 4 months and I'm tired of everyone treating me like I'm 3 I'm sorry for worrying you

Louis: aww Hazza we treat you and Niall that way because we wants best for you we don't want you to make the same mistakes we did and I guess your right about treating you like a baby I'm sorry

Harry: (snuggles close to him)

Louis: (kisses his head repeatedly) also Liam told me about the plate too I should of believe you I'm sorry really I am (starts crying into Harry)

Harry: aww Boobear it's ok I swear

Louis: I know I shouldn't have spanked you, tomorrow I will ask Liam to spank me alright love

Harry: I love you Boobear

Louis: I love you too my Baby Hazza (sits him on his lap and rocks him to sleep)

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