Dinner Time = Trouble

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(It was dinner time Niall and Harry did a really good job today at doing the right thing none if them ended up over the older boys actually Niall and Harry were laughing and talking down the stairs)

Louis: aww our boys are getting along

Harry: Lou stop please

Louis: ok, ok I'll stop

Liam: dinner is served (serves everyone's plates)

(Everyone was eating dinner except Harry he was jabbing it with a fork and looking at in disgust)

Louis: Haz eat your food

Harry: (complains) I don't wanna

Zayn: your going to eat it and that's final

Harry: but Brussels Sprouts are disgusting they make me wanna puke

Liam: Haz when your living with us your going eat what we serve now when you live on your own that's different. Now eat your food and besides we are eating healthier now so you have to get use to the food

Harry: I'm not eating this shit and you can't make me

Zayn: (about to stand up)

Liam: Zayn (sits him back down) now Haz if you don't eat your food you will go to bed and also be grounded this weekend

Harry: (just glares at the plate and throws it on the floor in frustration the plate shatters and there's food all near his side)

Niall: (taunting) someone's in trouble (feels a sharp kick at his leg) oww

Zayn: (kicked him) enough

Niall: (mumbles) sorry

Louis: Harold clean up your mess and go to bed we will deal with you tomorrow

Harry: whatever jerk-face (cleans up the mess and heads into the living room)

Zayn: (grabs his arm roughly) didn't Lou say to go to bed

Harry: (glares at him and nods)

Zayn: than I suggest you go

Harry: (storms up the stairs angry)

Louis: (trying to be friendly) goodnite Haz

Harry: (sticks up his middle finger at him and goes into his room)

Zayn: (about to head upstairs to deal with Harry, Liam pulls him down again)

Liam: guys he's not worth it tonite we will deal with him tomorrow

Zayn and Louis: ok

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