Niall's Tour Diary

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Niall: (with a video camera) Hey Niall here you just earned a backstage look of our new music video. Let's go (heads into many different rooms and meets many different people who helped with the video.)

Niall: ok we are going to see what the other 1D boys are doing (sees Liam on the piano) hey Liam say hi I'm doing a a video tour for our fans

Liam: (looks up and smiles) hi

Niall: hehe (looks at the ground and than looks up and sees Zayn on the baloney) hi Zayn say hi to the fans

Zayn: hello... Umm what's up Niall

Niall: Nm just doing a video tour for our fans

Zayn: cool I'm coming down to see you

Niall: oh ok

Zayn: (runs down the stairs stands behind Niall) so how's my Baby Nialler doing (kisses his cheek)

Niall:(rubs his cheek) oh good

Zayn: well it's time to say goodbye to your fans for now I need to talk to you

Niall: aww Zayn (sad)

Zayn: please

Niall: ok (faces the camera towards him) well got to go I will talk to you guys later. Love you all

Zayn: bye (waves goodbye)

Niall: (shuts camera off)

Zayn: is there something you want to tell me

Niall: (nervous) nope

Zayn: really? Hmm cause I know you are hiding something why don't you just spill it out

Niall: umm (looks at the ground)

Zayn: I swear you better tell me

Niall: umm...

Zayn: you have 5 seconds 5...4...3

Niall: I snuck out in the middle of the night to go to a party with Josh

Zayn: I knew it

Liam: what? (angrily gets up and walks towards them and stands behind Zayn)

Niall: bye (starts to walk off)

Liam: Niall James Horan!

Niall: (flinches and closes his eyes)

Zayn: (angry) get your butt back over here now!

Niall: (puts his head down and slowly walks towards them)

Liam: (walks toward Niall and lifts his head up) Niall why would you ever go to a party after we specifically told you not to go

Niall: idk I'm sorry (looks at the ground again)

Liam: (sighs)

Zayn: oh you will be dressing room now

Niall: but...

Zayn:(furious) now! (Points towards the dressing room)

Niall: (runs into the dressing room)

Zayn: I'll be right back

Liam: don't kill him

Zayn: no promises (walks in the dressing room and slams the door shut) trousers and underwear down!

Niall: (stuttering) please Zayn let me leave them up

Zayn: don't you dare argue with me you were aware of the consequences now pull them down

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