Footballs = Ouch! Part 1

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(Guys before you read this story it's really gross so be prepared)

(Harry and Niall were kicking the football at each other they were trying to be careful when Harry kicked the football hard straight into Niall's balls)

Niall: ahh! (Falls over)

Harry: oh my gosh Niall are you ok (runs over to him)

Niall: I'm fine Haz, just help me up

Harry: (helps him up) I'm soo sorry

Niall: it's ok it was an accident

(Both walk inside the house Niall limping and Harry helping him)

Harry: (walks to the couch and sits Niall down) I'll go get you ice Niall

(Goes in the kitchen and grabs the ice bag and hands it to Niall)

Niall: thank you (takes the bag)

Harry: I'll be in the bathroom (he goes to bathroom to pee, he came out and sits by Niall) where's your ice Ni

Niall: oh in here (opens his pants and shows him)

Harry: you put your ice down there

Niall: (grabs a piece of ice out of his underwear and eats it)

Harry: eww!

Liam: (comes downstairs) hey boys

(Both said hey back)

Liam: (goes in the living room)

Niall: (grabs a piece of ice and eats it

Liam: eww Niall why is there ice down there and why are you eating it

Niall: because Li I'm hungry

Liam: well I'll go make dinner, make sure you wash your hands (makes dinner)

Harry: haha like that would ever happen

Niall: (grabs his hands out of his pants and sticks it in Harry's face)

Harry: gross Niall (pushes his hand away)

Liam: boys...

(Niall than hands Harry a piece of ice)

Niall: want one

Harry: no thanks?

Niall: oh ok well more for me (eats the ice than limps to Liam in the kitchen)

Liam: (looks at Niall confused) are you ok down there

Niall: yeah I'm fine it just hurts a little bit it feels like its bruised

Liam: well let me see

Niall: I'm fine Li

Liam: no pull down your pants and let me see

Niall: (pulls down both things and his area was bruised)

Liam: oh my gosh Ni what happened

Niall: the ice did this

Liam: (gives him a confusing look) the ice did this?

Zayn: (walks downstairs at the worst time and sees a butt in the kitchen) ah! Butt (walks towards them and sees Liam holding a spoon) Liam are you spanking Niall

Liam: what? No

Zayn: than why is his butt on display and your holding a spoon

Liam: just look at his balls

Zayn: what his balls? Why do you... (Liam interrupts him by pulling his arm in front of Niall, he than sees Niall's things all black and blue) mother.... (About to cuss)

Liam: (gives him the death glare)

Zayn: what I didn't cuss anyways Ni what happened to your balls

Niall: oh the ice did this

Zayn: the ice did that?

Liam: that's what I said

Zayn: why did you stick ice down your pants

Niall: well I woke up from my nap and my diggly things starting hurting so

Harry got me ice to put down my pants

(Louis than walks into the kitchen and sees Niall bared butt, he steps in front of him and sees Niall touching himself)

Louis: Niall stop playing with your dick, since when did you start acting like Harry

Harry: (still on the couch) he learns from the best

Louis: (talking to Harry) aww you cheeky little boy

Harry: (walks in the kitchen and gives Louis a cheeky smile)

Zayn: (picks up Niall) your going to the doctors and having your thing checked

Niall: I'm fine Z

(Zayn walks out the door with Niall in his hands, when Liam stopped him)

Liam: Zayn!

Zayn: (turns around) yeah

Liam: Niall needs his pants and underwear on

Zayn: (joking with him) ugg can't I just put a diaper on him

Niall: because I just got out of one three days ago

Zayn: I know Ni (kisses his cheek)

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