Really Sneaking Out Really?

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(Niall was walking back in house in the middle of the night he went to a party and he know if Liam or Zayn found out he wouldn't sit down for a long time)

Niall: (thinking to himself, gosh I'm soo dead please dear god don't let the older members find out, he walks into the house sneaking up the stairs when he saw the light flicker on, oh dear god please be Harry, Niall was scared to death.)

Liam:( Daddy tone) Niall James Horan!

Niall: (flinches and closes his eyes, slowly walks back down the stairs)

Zayn: Get your ass over here now!

Niall: (scared does not move.)

Zayn: Now!

Niall: (sighs yep he was so in for it, walks slowly towards the older members.)

Liam, Zayn, & Louis all glare at him

Niall: (sees the glances and starts to tremble and look at the ground)

Liam: (comes over and puts a finger under Niall's chin and forces him to look up, sighs when he sees the disappointing look.) Niall you need to look at us when we are talking to you

Niall: (gives him a disappointing look, whispers) I'm sorry you guys hate me now and you wish I'm dead

(All stare at him in shocked)

Louis: Niall.. We

Zayn: (interrupts him, firmly but calmly) How dare you say we hate you we will never hate you (rubs his back)

Niall: I know but me and Harry always seemed to get into trouble

Louis: your young love, you want to try new things, and sometimes it's ok to be a little rebellious

Niall: oh

Liam: don't listen to Lou about the rebellious part be the best you can be

Niall: I know I just wish me and Harry can be better

Harry: (over the rail of the stairs and he overhears) what about me and Niall

(All the members look up)

Louis: Haz get back to bed

Harry:( puppy dog face) but Lou

Louis: (harshly and than points his finger) Now!

Harry: (about to cry and walks in his room slowly)

Louis:(sighs) ugg I'll go talk to him (runs into Harry's room to comfort him)

(All attention goes back to Niall)

Liam: have anything to say before Zayn blisters your bottom and make sure you don't sit down for a very long time

Niall:(sighs and figured this was going to happened) I'm sorry Li I'm sorry Z

Liam: aww Ni I love you soo much

Niall: I know I love you too

Zayn: come on let's go so can get some rest for tomorrow (heads into his room)

Niall: so..

Zayn: listen babe I love you but what you did is completely unacceptable

Niall: I know so I'm getting paddled

Zayn: (shakes his head yes)

Niall: can I lay over your lap

Zayn: yes baby (sits on the bed as well as Niall and pulls him over) your getting 20 with the belt and 40 with the paddle bare, can you handle it love

Niall: (stutters) I'll try

Zayn: aww baby hold onto my hand this isn't going to be pretty on your precious bottom (puts his hand out for Niall)

Niall: (grabs his hand)

Zayn: be prepared baby (pulls down his pants and underwear)

Niall: (whimpers)

Zayn: shh your arlight (rubs his back snaps his belt in half and pulls back and starts spanking him) got to 15 and he couldn't take it anymore

Niall: Z I can't handle anymore

Zayn: I know baby 5 more with the belt and I will hurry with paddle ok?

Niall: ok (holds Zayn's hand tighter)

Zayn: (spanks him 5 more times) ok now for the paddle than we cuddle ok

Niall: (nods his head)

Zayn: pulls back the paddle a couple minutes later Zayn got to 35

Niall: (let out a ferocious shriek)

Liam: (opened the door, ran by Niall's side and started rubbing his back and comforting him) I love you baby just a few more

Niall: (had tears streaking down his face)

Zayn: just two more Ni (smack, smack)

Liam: walks behind Niall and sees his blistered bruised bottom it was even turning purple) Zayn..

Zayn: hushed Liam he deserves this fair and square can you go get the cream for me

Liam: (opens the drawer and shoves the cream in Zayn's hand) here after this I need to talk to you outside

Zayn:(rolls his eyes) whatever (rubs the cream on Niall's bottom)

Niall: ahh it's c...o...l...d Zayn

Zayn: Shh your alright (pulls up his boxers gently and kisses his cheek and head repeatedly) I love you just wear boxers for now and I will put more cream on in an hour ok?

Niall: nods his head

Liam: Zayn (gives him the signal to come out to the room so they could talk)

Zayn: be back (grabs his chin and kisses his forehead one last time)

Liam and Zayn were discussing out of the room and a couple minutes later Liam walks back in the room

Liam: come on Ni let's go to my room so we cuddle

Niall: carry me

Liam: sure (picks him up and places him on his bed in Liam's room, he also crawls into bed with him) I love you baby

Niall: (stutters) I love you too

(Both fall asleep)

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