Blake comes into town

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(Niall came downstairs cheerfully he was wearing his new Mario and Luigi onesie that Liam got him yesterday it was around 8:30 in the morning and he could not stop smiling today Blake texted him telling him he was in town and loved to hang out with him tonite even though he was a bad influence Niall adored him a lot. Louis was walking out of the room and Niall jumped right into his arms)

Louis: wow... (Catches him) morning hyper demon what did you have for breakfast?

Niall: nothing

Louis: oh ok is Hazza awake

Niall: nope hey can I ask you something

Louis: sure anything

Niall: see you know my friend Blake he's in town and I was wondering if I can hang out with tonite

Louis: (puts him down and shakes his head no)

Niall: (getting frustrated) why not?

Louis: drop the attitude I don't want to deal with you this morning and besides he's a really really bad influence on you and our little Hazza

Niall: (gives him the puppy look)

Louis: stop it. I'm not looking at you (looks away and heads in the kitchen) your not going

Niall: please, please, please

Louis: I'm getting juice (Niall holds onto his leg begging Louis he was limping to the fridge to pour juice)

Niall: please (Louis pulls him off his leg)

Louis: your not going and that's final you ask again and my hand will meet your poor precious bottom (lifts up his hand and than puts it down and grabs his cup of juice)

Niall:(covers his bottom for a couple seconds and than without thinking he hits the glass out if Louis hand)

Louis: (stand there with shock face for a moment and than he turned to look at Niall. Louis eyes looked like flames)

Niall: I'm sorry Lou... I just got angry please don't tell Zayn. (Louis than grabs his ear roughly) ahh! I'm sorry (falls to his knees from such a tight grip)

Louis: oh there's no need to tell Zayn because I'm dealing with you. Now get up!

Niall: (shakily gets up)

Louis: (drags him into his bedroom and pushes him on the bed) I will be right back you move from off the bed and you will be getting a bedtime spanking for the next week

Niall: (nods and to scared to move)

Louis: (cleans up the juice and the glass and comes back 2 minutes later he takes off his belt and snaps in half)

Niall: (looks at him scared)

Louis: (walks over pushes him over the bend and pulls off his onesie leaving him only in his boxers he started landing on hard smacks the boxers weren't that much of a protection it still stung)

Niall: (let's out cries praying to God it would be over his legs went cross and than uncrossed) please it hurts

Louis: if you ever let a tantrum out like that again this will feel like being kissed. Do you understand?

Niall: (does not say anything)

Louis: (gets frustrated) I said do you understand or do you want me to pull down these next (has his hand near the elastic part of the boxers)

Niall: (really scared) no I understand I really do. I'm sorry

Louis: (gives him 5 more hard smacks and than throws the his belt on the ground picks Niall up and sits him on his lap)

Niall: (was holding to Louis for dear life) I'm sorry please don't hate me

Louis: aww Ni I will never ever hate even if you killed somebody I will still love you just don't go that extreme

Niall: hehe.

Louis: no I'm serious please don't ever kill him someone even when your mad

Niall: Ok Lou I get it. Can we go Nando's pretty please?

Louis: sure and you might want to text Blake and ask us to meet him their

Niall: we get to hang out with him

Louis: sure

Niall: (hugs Louis tightly than unhugs him) this is the best day ever! Except for the spanking thanks Lou and I'm sorry

Louis: I know you are (grabs his forehead and kisses it)

Niall: (hops off his lap and runs in his room the get dress)

Louis: (gets dressed as well)

(After everything's done both head to Nando's to meet Blake)

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