Restaurant Embarrassment Niall being the baby

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Niall: (was out at a restraunt with a hot girl he didn't know Liam was at the same one)

Liam: (had no idea Niall was at the same restraunt he was looking over his menu sipping his coffee could I get the spicy nachos or the Buffalo Wild Wings)

Zayn: (than came running in to find Liam) hey Liam

Liam: Zayn what are you doing here this was suppose to be my break

Zayn: I know but I can't find Niall and he ran off (stops and sees a blond hair boy across from Liam) oh there he is (runs towards the table)

Liam: Zayn what are you doing don't go over their

Zayn: hi Niall

Niall: Zayn Liam what are you guys doing here

Zayn: just coming to see our baby (pinches Niall's cheeks) who's the hot chic is that your girlfriend

Niall: (embarrassed) Zayn (does a sign to tell him to leave)

Liam: uhh Zayn just stop

Marla: well I gotta go buy Niall

Niall: but we didn't order dinner yet

Marla: maybe tomorrow (buy heads out to her car and drives home)

Zayn: Niall I hope you learned your lesson your lucky I didn't pull you over my knee and spanked you in front of her

Liam: (dad tone) Zayn! (Calmly) Niall.. Are

Niall: (felt tears comes to his eyes) I hope you are happy because I'm certainly am (runs outside away from them)

Liam: Niall! (Turns around to face Zayn and glares at him)

Zayn: what? He deserved it

Liam: (shakes his head) we better head home

(Both walk home)

Liam: (plops on the couch, and than hears crying) do you hear that? It sounds like crying

Zayn: oh yay it does

Liam: come on (goes to Niall's room and hears muffled cries, try's to open the door and realizes its locked) Niall I'm sorry for what happened please forgive us

Niall: go away!

Liam: (sighs) Niall..

Niall: Liam please I want to be alone

Liam:(sighs again) ok Ni but for the record I love you

Niall: (smiles slightly)

(Liam and Zayn sit on the couch)

Zayn: now what


Harry: (walks in) hey guys

Liam: hey Hazza how have you been where have you been

Harry: relax Li Louis took me out

Liam:where is he?

Louis: hey guys I'm going to get a shower (runs upstairs)

Liam: hey Haz you want to do something for me

Harry: do I have to

Liam: if you want to have a sore bottom than yes

Harry: ugg... You win what do u want me to do

Liam: go check on Nialler for me

Harry: ok (runs upstairs to Niall's room)

Liam: thanks baby

Harry: your welcome (hears Niall crying, knocks on the door)

Niall: go away!

Harry: Ni it's me Harry can I come in

Niall:(groans and slowly walks towards the door and opens it)

Harry: (walks in and shuts the door) hey Niall what happened

Niall: I hate everyone!

Harry: don't say that and what happened

Niall: all Liam and Zayn do is baby me and I'm tired of it

Harry: how do you I think feel all Louis does is ask if I'm ok he even holds my hand at the parking lot and maybe they do that because were the youngest and often need the protection we are the babies of the group and they love us very much

Niall: yeah your right

Harry: good now go apologize to Liam and Zayn

Niall:(sighs) ok

Niall: (walks downstairs)

Liam: Ni (runs up and hugs him)

Niall: I love you Liam and I'm sorry both of you for being a dick

Liam: (unhugs him) Niall you are not a dick and we forgive you were sorry as well

Niall: ahh it's alright

Liam: (whispers to Niall) I think Zayn wants some kisses

Niall: no

Liam: either that or you get spanked

Niall: Li (puppy dog face)

Liam: your choice

Niall: really?

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