Sickness Please Go Away

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(It was another long day for One Direction and Harry stomach was killing him, but he didn't want to miss this concert for a stomach ache his fans mean the world to him)

Harry: (slowly gets dressed and after he walks downstairs and plops on Zayn's lap falling asleep holding his stomach)

Zayn: (was sitting on the couch holding Harry like a baby and rubbing his stomach)

Louis: (came rushing down the stairs and panics and than sees Harry on Zayn's fast asleep) I can't find Harold... I oh Zayn. Thank God we have to leave in 5 minutes is Niall up

Zayn: yep he's with Liam

Louis: ok

(5 minutes later everyone was ready to leave Harry was still sleeping so Zayn picks him up like a baby and carries him to the car)

Louis: the ride is an hour away so he will have plenty sleep. What's wrong with him?

(All the members get in the limo)

Zayn: Idk I saw him slowly walk down the stairs holding his stomach and he fell asleep on me

Louis: poor thing (rubs his curls out of his face)

Zayn: I know

Niall: hey Li...

Liam: yes baby (looks at him)

Niall: (sighs) never mind....

(After the hour drive Harry was still sleeping)

Zayn: great what are we going to do

Louis: Haz, (rubs his shoulder) Hazza , Harry!

Harry: (slowly wakes up)

Louis: come on baby we have a concert

(Everyone else gets out)

Harry: carry me (lifts his arms up for Louis)

Louis: (sighs and picks him up and carries him) your alright baby (watches Harry slowly fall back asleep)

Harry: hmm (mumbles)

Louis: (knew something was wrong but shrugged it off)

(Backstage all the members were getting ready except for Harry who was on the couch dozed off)

Paul: it starts in 5 minutes

Louis: thanks Paul (smiles at him)

(5 minutes later Harry was still sleeping so they waked him up and began the show, they started with Live While We're Young and Harry felt a little dizzy after that they did Rock Me Harry started singing his stomach started rumbling and than it started to ache)

Harry: (started singing) Do you remember summer 0... (Out of nowhere he ended up puking everywhere on stage he ran backstage and was puking in the toilet)

(The fans as well as the other the members were shocked especially Louis, but they had to continue the song Louis decides to sing Harry's part praying that Harry was alright and he was singing it right, after two or three more songs the concert was over and Louis ran as fast as he could backstage to see Harry asleep on the council clutching his stomach)

Louis: my poor baby (rubs his curls out of his face)

Harry: (half awake) Lou I'm hot (feels sweat coming down his face)

Louis: (decided to take Harry's shirt off and rubs his back)

Harry: now I'm cold (was shivering)

Louis: shh I know (rubs his back some more) lets get you home in a nice warm bath and Liam can make you chicken noodle alright

Harry: (nods his head)

Louis: (picks him up as well as his clothes and carries him to the car with)

(All the other members came in a few minutes later and Paul drives them home)

(When they got home Louis wakes up Harry)

Harry: (slowly wakes up) Boobear I don't feel good

Louis: I know (carries him inside gives him a bath and puts boxers on him and tucks him in bed) Li will be upstairs with soup and crackers ok

(Heads downstairs)

Harry: (layed in bed watching spongebob)

Liam: (walks in with a mini table and had ginger ale, toast, and chicken noodle soup) hey baby how are you feeling

Harry: sick

Liam: don't worry, you'll feel better in know time but first you need to eat something

Harry: (looks at the food in disgust, and thinks the food will come back up and than I will puke some more)

Liam: (places the tray in front of him)

Harry: I'm not hungry

Liam: you have to eat something or anything

Harry: (takes a small bite of the toast and doesn't eat anymore and falls asleep)

Liam: (moves the tray on the side table and rubs his shirtless back)

Harry: (feels Liam's hand and it felt good than Liam left so Harry can sleep)

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