Haz Lays Around

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Harry: (had his friend Chloe over he was surprise that Liam let him invite her over)

(They were upstairs watching Pitch Perfect when they started making out)

Harry: (than pulled up shirt and she pulled off her pants and both were laying on the bed him on top of her they continued kissing and than they started French kissing)

Liam: (went upstairs to check on Niall and Harry he saw Niall reading To Kill A Mocking Bird with a blanket curled up he couldn't help but smile he went over sat on the bed with him and kissed him on his head he got up and went to check on Harry he was surprised his door was shut he never shuts his door even when he's changing he put his ear near the door he heard moaning, oh no he opened the door and sees two naked bodies on the bed) Omg!!!

Harry: Liam! (Pushes Chloe off the bed)

Chloe: oww (gets up and quickly pulls her shirt over her head) well I gotta go bye Harry... Liam (runs downstairs and outside and got in her car)

Liam: (gave Harry the worst glare ever even worst than Zayn's)

Harry: Liam...

Liam: you better have a damn good reason you had sex with her

Harry: (stutters) she's a good kisser...

Liam: (grabs his arm roughly and turns him around and gave him ten hard smacks wasn't surprise that Harry was crying) I would save those tears if I were you because Zayn will kill after I tell him

Harry: please don't tell Zayn

Liam: I am telling him and go downstairs

Harry: but.. But

Liam: now

Harry: (slowly walks downstairs)

Liam: (follows behind him)

And both head into the living room

Liam: Zayn! Louis!

Both boys: coming (both come out of the kitchen)

Zayn: what is Li? And why is Harry naked

Liam: Harry has something to tell you

Zayn: well go on

Harry: I'd rather not

Liam: (gives him a glare than turns to Louis and Zayn) Harry was laying with Chloe

Louis: wait as in having sex. Harold!

Harry: I'm sorry

Zayn: oh you will be after where through with you

Liam: (grabs him by his arm and pushes him over the couch he takes off his belt and starts landing hard smacks he stopped at 50 and Louis takes his place he went into the kitchen and got a metal spoon and got to 50 as well last but not least Zayn came down with the paddle and gave him 55 he stops)

Harry: (was in tears)

Liam: have anything to say Haz (lifts him off the couch)

Harry: yes... (Stutters) I freaking hate you all of you (runs upstairs in his room and locks the door he cries on the bed while holding (his build a bear that Louis gave him last Christmas)

Liam: (knocks on the door) Haz can I come in

Harry: (was crying uncontrollably and trying to control it) go... Away

Liam: please I need to talk to you

Harry: ( doesn't budge)

Liam: (sighs and heads downstairs)

(A couple hours later it was 11:00 p.m Niall fell asleep downstairs so Liam carried him upstairs and tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the head, he went to go see Haz)

Liam:(knocks on the door) Haz come on you can't stay in their forever

Harry: yes I can!

Liam: (he than had an idea he found the key on top of the door and unlocks it) Haz

Harry: leave me alone (cuddles his bear)

Liam: please talk to me ok I'm sorry about what happened earlier but I hope you don't hate me or any of the other boys

Harry: I don't hate you... I just deserve that extreme

Liam: oh come on if Zayn saw you he will kill or do it right on front of your girlfriend

Harry: she's not my girlfriend

Liam: than why did you have sex with

Harry: because you lost your virginty at 14

Liam: and you think that's cool that was the worst mistake I ever made the girl didn't even love me she started dated a new guy

Harry: I guess your right I'm sorry

Liam: now there's my Baby Hazza (hugs him)

Harry: can you sleep with me tonite?

Liam: sure (both get under the covers and turn the Tv on, five minutes later they both fell asleep)

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