Flowers For Perrie

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(All the boys went grocery shopping and Louis told Harry to pick out flowers and he had to pay his own money.)

Harry: (was looking at the flowers and than begs) Z come help me pick out flowers I don't know what kind Perrie likes

Zayn: (helps Harry while the older lads went to finish shopping)

Liam: guys Ni is staying with you

Harry: ok

(While The three lads looked the other two left)

Harry: ugg I don't know

Zayn: just keeping looking

Harry: what's her favorite color?

Zayn: purple

Niall: just like Liam

Harry: haha shut up Ni

Niall: you are so mean to me

Zayn: Haz you don't have to pick flowers up for my girlfriend especially paying for it

Harry: no! (Holds onto Zayn's shirt for dear life) if I don't Lou will spank me with the strap and it will hurt a lot

Zayn: (rubs his curls) shh your alright . Hey he's becoming more like me

Hary: I know he's being more strict I'm starting to be scared of him

Zayn: so is Liam that's who I'm scared of most

Harry: oh no Liam's always been overprotective like a dad. Louis won't

even let me watch porn anymore

Zayn: you shouldn't watch porn in general. Why were you watching it?

Harry: (stutters) who said anything about porn

Zayn: you did

Harry: oh well I didn't say anything about porn maybe you misunderstand right Ni

Niall: all I heard was blah blah blah

Harry: oh that's rude Niall was ignoring me

Niall: that's because I get bored of your conversations

Harry: rude!

Zayn: guys Lou just texted me he said to hurry up there in the car waiting

Harry: ok (grabs the purple roses) these look nice

Zayn: ok go pay for them baby and meet us in the car here (hands him $2 dollars)

Harry: no! I don't want a bruise bottom

Zayn: you won't have a bruise bottom because your using your card and I'm paying you back

Niall: guys I will meet you in the car

Zayn: hehe ok let's go Ni (grabs his hand) meet us there Haz

(Both head out)

Harry: (went in line to pay for the flowers and headed to the car)

Louis: I'm proud of you Hazza now give Zayn the flowers

Harry: (hands Zayn the flowers)

Zayn: thank you Haz

Harry: no problem (takes his phone out and started to listen to music with his headphones.)

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