No More Birthday Spankings

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(The older members sneak into Niall's bedroom to wish him a happy birthday it was 8:30 in the morning and normally he gets up around 10 if they could sleep in)

Liam: aww look at how cute he is (rubs Niall's hair out of his face than kisses his nose watching it scrunch up)

Zayn: I know I can't believe our Baby Nando's is 18

Louis: it's to bad we have to wake him up

Liam: I know (glum's at Louis, than smiles)

Louis: well here goes nothing (jumps on Niall's bed and sits on top of him and starts jumping on him) Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!!!!

Niall: ahh! Lou. Stop!!! (Grunts in pain)

Louis: Happy Birthday

Zayn: (kisses his cheek)

Louis: (still jumps on his stomach, while Niall is grunting in pain)

Zayn: Lou I think he had enough

Louis: fine (gets off of him)

Niall: (than gets up)

Liam: Happy Birthday Baby Boy (hugs Niall tightly)

Niall: thanks guys (hugs him back)

Liam: (unhugs him) well Harry made pancakes for you this morning

Niall: aww that's sweet

Louis: let's go birthday boy (grabs his arm into the kitchen and sits him down on the chair)

(Niall's birthday was amazing Zayn bought him a new car he got clothes and he got a new guitar)

Niall: you guys this birthday is amazing, but I wish it wasn't over

Liam: it's not over we still are going to Nando's

Niall: yes! I'm so excited

Louis: (clears his throat) not so fast we still have something else for Niall

Liam: what?

Louis: you'll see (gives Niall an evil grin) Ni baby how old are you today

Niall: (uh oh Niall knew what was coming)

Zayn: oh right Lou he's 18 today

Louis: that's right (chases Niall)

Niall: (was shrieking and ran upstairs into his room and locked the door)

(Everyone else followed Louis except Harry who was worried about his birthday)

Zayn: (knocks on the bedroom door) come on Ni you can't stay In there forever

Niall: but I don't want a birthday spanking... I'm trying to go without spankings with living with you guys from now on

Zayn: you know that will never happen (he than had an idea Perrie was over last week and left her bobby pin in their bathroom do he went to go get it)

Liam: and besides we still have Nando's so I would get this punishment over with. Yeah?

Niall: but I don't want one

Louis: your getting one and that's final

Zayn: (came back and unlocks the door)

Niall: ahh! (Try's to dart out of his room but Zayn catches him) I thought birthdays were suppose to be fun

Louis: they are fun (grabs Niall and throws him over his shoulder and all of the members were in the living room so Louis throws him on the couch and before he could move delivered 6 hard smacks) your turn Liam

Liam: (spanks 6 times)

Niall: ow Li not so hard

Liam: sorry baby cakes

Zayn: my turn (decides to take off Niall's pants and spanks him 4 times)

Niall: Z please stop I had enough

Zayn: two more Ni

Niall: ugg doofus

Zayn: (spanks him 2 more times and pulls up his pants)

Niall: oww (rubs his bottom)

Zayn: aww Ni (rubs his hair)

Niall: can we please forget about this next year

Louis: haha... No!

Niall: (looks at the ground glumly)

Liam: aww cheer up buddy we still have Nando's

Niall: (more cheerful) oh yeah

Zayn: let's go (picks up Niall and places him on his back)

Louis: (picks up Harry as well and does the same thing)

Niall: to Nando's!!!

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