Interview, Harold stop it!

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(Harry has still been acting up no one know why he was acting this way he was yelling at Niall about personal space)

Harry: Niall! I told you to leave me alone you idiot!!!

Niall: whatever jerk (storms upstairs)

(A couple minutes later)

Louis: Harold get up here!

Harry: but Louis...

Louis: (was beyond furious) Now!

Harry: (knew he was going to get a spanking, sighs and heads in Louis's room walks in) I'm sorr..

Louis: (holds his hand up and interrupts him) I don't want to hear it but we have an interview today and I really don't have time to give you a spanking but I want you to lay on the blanket on the floor

Harry: please Boobear I don't want to wear a diaper

Louis: now Harold

Harry: (about to cry but blinks his tears away and lays on the blanket on the floor)

Louis: (sits down beside him and rubs his back picks up a container of maxi burn and rubs it on his bum)

Harry: (flinches because of the cold impact and than it starts to burn) ouch! Lou that hurts take it off please

Louis: nope you need to wait until it wears off (stands Harry up and pulls his boxers and pants up) this is a warning next time your a brat I will bruise your precious bottom

Harry: (nods his head)

(Later that day everyone piled in the car for there interview)

Harry: (was walking and the stuff still burned) ugg I can't walk it still burns Lou when does it wear off

Liam: let me help (picks him up and carries him to the car)

Louis: in a little while baby I put a lot on so it will take awhile (sits in the car in the back) Liam bring him to me

Liam: (places him on Louis's lap and kisses his forehead)

(All the other members pile in the car)

Louis: (rocks Harry back & forth finally Harry falls asleep)

(A couple hours later there at the interview and Harry is still sleeping)

Louis: Harry baby time to wake up

Harry: no ugg..

Louis: (sighs and carries him out the car) we need to wake him up

Niall: (walks by Louis) why he's so peaceful when he's sleeping

Liam: Niall that's not very nice

Niall: oh come on he's been picking on me all day

Liam: hehe I know lets go inside (grabs Niall's hand)

(All walk in)

Louis: what about Haz?

Zayn: here I will wake him up (wakes up Harry) Harry baby wake up we are here

Harry: (half awake) carry me

Zayn: only if you wake up

Harry: ok (snuggles to Louis)

Zayn: (grabs him gently off Louis)

Harry: (wakes up fully)

Zayn: (carries Harry in the room)

(All walk in the room sit on the chairs Harry moves in front of Louis)

(The interviewer was asking questions)

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