Smoking and Lying Why? Part 2

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Niall: now you hate me

Liam: (looks at the face and lifts his chin up sighs at the sad face) Niall we will never ever hate you were just dissipation yes in you

Niall: I know

Liam: now I think Zayn should decide your punishment

Zayn: I will be glad too your grounded for two months

Niall: two months!

Zayn: do you want me to add 3 months, spanked with the switch, and corner time

Niall: you know what two months is plenty

Zayn: ok go in my room please

Niall: (sighs and walks towards Zayn's bedroom)

Liam: I love you baby sakes

Niall: (turns around and slightly smiles) I love you too (walks into Zayn's room sits on his bed and sighs)

Zayn: (walks in sits on the bed as well) hi baby NiNi (hugs him and rubs his shoulder)

Niall: so... Im going to get spanking right

Zayn: (nods in head yes) I'm afraid so

Niall: (goes over his lap)

Zayn: now i know you don't deserve a full spanking so Im only giving you 20 without your pants ok?

Niall: ok....

Zayn: (pulls down his pants and starts spanking him) hey Ni I was meaning to ask you something how did you get the red mark across your face and where did you get the cigarettes

Niall: (oh no he know he was going to be in this situation) umm well I into a wall and Josh gave me the cigarettes

Zayn: really now?

Niall: yes really

Zayn: well I know your lying about both so why don't you tell me before your in more trouble

Niall: Z you can't be serious

Zayn: oh I am so tell me truth

Niall: umm...

Zayn: you better tell me before I count to three. One... Two....

Niall: Zayn please...

Zayn: three.... Boys!

(All three of the boys ran in the room)

Liam: what's wrong Z

Zayn: Niall is lying about his face and the cigarettes. Do you know what happened to his face?

Liam: (comes over and looks at it) I...

Harry: (interrupts him) I slapped him across the face because he wouldn't tell you what happened. I'm sorry

Zayn: of course

Louis: Haz I know you are but your grounded for two weeks

(Both walk out of the room)

Harry: (mumbles to himself) dick

Louis: (hears it and slaps his butt hard) what did you say

Harry: (grunts in pain) oww! I love you Boo (gives him a cheeky smile)

Louis: (shakes his head and slightly smiles)

(Both walk downstairs)

Zayn: well now we know what happened to your eye. Where did you get cigarettes I'm not going to ask you again

Niall: Z please

Liam: I found a receipt in the bathroom in the trash can with toilet paper wrapped around it he also went out at 1:00 in the morning (shows him the receipt)

Zayn: are you serious that's it

Niall: I'm sorry Zayn...

Zayn: oh you will be (pulls down his boxers and takes off his belt)

Niall: please Z

Liam: no Ni you deserve what's coming to you

Niall: but...

Zayn: Liam's right and that's enough Ni your already in a lot if trouble you lost your privilege of wearing boxers you will be grounded 3 instead of 2 you will be spanked with my belt 20 more times and you will be receiving a bed time spanking for the next 2 weeks

Niall: (sighs)

Zayn: (starts spanking hard and he wasn't holding back got to 35)

Niall: (starts hiccuping)

Zayn: you have 5 more count for me babe or I will add more understand

Niall: ok...


Niall: oww!

Zayn: Niall didn't I say for you to count for me if you don't I will add more. Do you want more?

Niall: no please I will count I promise just no more (crying in his his sleeve)

Zayn: (nicely but still firm) ok I will start over but you better count understand

Niall: (nods his head)


Niall: one...

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Niall: three... Four.. Five... Oww

Zayn: (drops the belt picks Niall up and places him in his lap) shh your (comforting him) I love baby Ni... Soo much

Niall:( looks up Zayn his eyes all puffy and red, I love you too)

(Both cuddle with each)

Liam: (comes up to them and sees Niall past out on Zayn's lap snoring slightly) aww

Zayn: I know

Liam: I'm sorry Zayn for everything

Zayn: It's all good

Liam: no it's not I'm suppose to be the dad around this house instead I completely blew it

Zayn: everyone makes mistakes and you will always be our dad

Liam: thanks Z but I still want you to punish me

Zayn: no thanks but i will ground you for two weeks

Liam: ok (hugs Zayn kisses Niall on the forehead) I love you guys (walk out the room)

Zayn: I love you too (places his hand on Niall's hair and rubs his back) I love my baby Nialler

Niall: (whines like a baby)

Zayn: your alright (kisses his head and both cuddle each other)

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