what happened + rant about drama people

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Hey guys, it's jinxx, and damn this book hasn't been updated for 7 months so I'm guessing no one steps foot in the account anymore, so I apologize if you sent us messages and we didn't answer, now you know the reason why.

Now, I don't really know what happened between us, I guess nothing happened, at least not between me and the other girls bc I still care for them very much and I will never forget them, infact I'm still friends with that loser ness but we both know each other irl so we are stuck with each other. But I don't have anything against the other girls and I can only assume they don't have anything against each other so for the people who think we got mad at each other, we really didn't, we just stopped coming here so often, and eventually we'll stop coming here for good.

Everyone is just busy doing they're stuff, some girls still write here and have their lifes to deal with, some just stopped coming to wattpad bc their busy or bc they just don't write fanfics anymore, nevertheless everything's good and now to the rant.

Drama people... now you might think I'm talking about those kids from drama club, no I'm not, this is a different drama club, the people on this drama club like to make everyone's life a living hell, by creating drama everywhere, those people annoy me to the core, I hate them with a passion.

I've had my fare share of drama and it's not fun, and I still have people trying to create drama involving me, like bitch wth get in your lane I do not have the time or the patient to put up with you, not today, not ever.

I'm just so done with drama people, it's like their purpose in this earth is to annoy the fuck outta everyone and destroy everything in their path, like get a fucking life and stop trying to make other's a living hell, thankyouverymuch

If you're reading this, and you like to create drama just for the sake of fun, take the next spaceship to mars and stay there please

You guys get me right? I will assume yes.

Anyways, jinxx's out assholes

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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