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first of all, this is my honest opinion, and i'm sorry if you think i'm ungrateful for saying what i'm about to say, and i won't say who i am, bc i don't want people to pity me, i just want people to see my side of the story for once

my family is full of shitty people, for example, my oldest aunt used to bully my youngest aunt, she even slapped her and called her a retard.

my family is full of crazy people, my youngest aunt as all kind of mental breakdowns, work is killing her, and she takes a lot of pills to get better, not to mention her boyfriend is a d-bag, but regardless i love my aunt, i feel like she's actually the only person in my family who understands me

my parents they just plain suck..

person 1 -oh but *insert my name here* they give you shelter, and they feed you and shit

but let me tell you, my dad is a drunk, one time he almost broke my face, if i didn't moved he would hit my face, instead he hit the closet and broke his finger so yea, not to mention he said i wasn't his daughter, and that my mom cheated on him, of course that is a lie because my mom wouldn't do that, so basically he was drunk, and didn't talked to me all week after that

my mom, she's just plain crazy, my dad is in africa rn and they were talking on the phone and all of the sudden she started yelling at him just because he was repeating himself, and she was yelling so loud, and sometimes i talk to her, and i honestly tell her everything, and when i'm done talking i wait for an answer and she doesn't answer, which means i could talk for 1 hour and she wouldn't listen to shit bc she's always too occupied thinking of something else

and she judges me bc i wear this type of clothes or bc i hear this type of music

also, she can't stand when people tell her the truth to the face, one time i exploded and told her that the fact that i was so screwed up and suicidal was because of the stress i had to deal with when i heard my parents fighting and she thought i was blaming her and she didn't even apologized or said everything was going to be fine, no she just yelled at me and said it wasn't her fault, and i cried so much, and i had the biggest anxiety attack that day and i couldn't breathe and i though i was going to die, i lost my head that day

and today she just told me that i should start doing something for myself and that i was always talking shit, and i just told her that i'm not that girl who used to put up and shut up, and that i could have my own opinion and thoughts, and as always she just looked at me and stayed quiet.

sometimes i wonder if she knows i'm telling the truth about everything, or if she's so full of herself, and that she thinks she's always the victim.

for fucks sake, if your 14 year old daughter tells you she wants to take her own life because the stress and anxiety is way too much, you don't yell at her and say that her problems are nothing

i'm just so done with everything at this point

sometimes i just wished i had another family

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